Everything We Need Is Enough Pt.1

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Lauren took her seat in the auditorium and smiled to herself. Something about the theatre here made her feel like she was at home. Maybe it was the fact that she had performed a million and one shows here herself or maybe it was that she had met her nearest and dearest friends here or maybe it was just because the theatre was her calling. Either way, her heart felt full as the lights dimmed and the show began.

She had flown in from New York specifically to see Me and My Dick starring her very best friend Joey Richter. Darren was supposed to have been there with her and as she briefly looked over at the empty chair beside her she mused that if she had stayed with him in college, her whole life would've consisted of looking at empty seats next to her. She sighed to herself and shuffled in her own seat preparing herself for another great production by the Langs, Brian and Erik.

The curtains opened onstage to reveal a double bed and two covered figures. The body on the right sat up and Lauren grinned happily as the sleepy face of Joey Richter appeared.

Since she had graduated, her and Joey had been talking non-stop. They had the world in common and could sit for hours on Skype just chatting. She would help him with coursework and he would regal her with useless trivia he'd learnt that day. He was absolutely her best male friend in the universe and he was the main reason she had flown in to see the latest Starkid production. He caught her eye from the stage and he grinned, her smile growing a little bit wider as she realised he had spotted her.

Lauren felt a little bit nostalgic as she watched the show unfold. It was weird seeing her friends onstage without her. She wished she'd been able to commit to doing this show (Sally would've been her ideal role) but unfortunately work in New York had forced her to decline the offer. They all looked like they were having a ball though, pun intended. Joe and Joey had a wonderful natural chemistry as actors and despite the fact that this show was ultimately the weirdest thing she'd seen in a long while, it was clear they were all loving it. Joey's voice on the other hand was suffering, Lauren could tell. He'd told her earlier in the week that the pressure of her visit had made his body contract a cold, jokingly of course. He did sound a little strained, but still just as amazing and she felt an overwhelming surge of pride well up within her as he powered through despite how terribly he must be feeling. She made herself a mental note to drop by his house that evening with the flu pack she'd made up for him in the hopes that would make him feel a bit better.

Before she knew it, the show had hit its climax. Joey's character Joey (Boy that was confusing) had realised he was in love with Jaime's character Sally and he was about to confess exactly how he felt. She watched Joey's hand take its place on Jaime's waist and squirmed in her chair uncomfortably. His hand took up the majority of her side as he pulled her in and they began their duet. Did their voices always sound that good together? Lauren wondered as he dipped Jaime and brought her back up, closer together than before. She watched them interlink fingers and felt a slight pressure on her chest that made it harder to breathe. What was happening? Was she jealous right now? And if so, what of? Lauren swallowed hard and forced herself to look at the couple who without any further prompting, launched into a kiss. Lauren squeaked a little and tore her eyes away from the pair. She tried to distract herself from the scene her focus darting all around, anywhere but the stage. Did the arts centre get a new lighting system this year? Was that a different carpet or just a recent drink spillage? Did she remember to text her Mom to say she'd landed safe?

Finally singing started from the stage again and Lauren figured it was safe to look again. There were a brief few more kisses shared between the two and with every press of the lips Lauren felt her heart squeeze in her chest. The two separated and instantly Lauren felt better. Was she jealous? Or was she just jealous of her friends having the time of their lives without her? Yeah, that must be it. She wasn't jealous of Jaime kissing Joey; how could she be? She'd kissed him before, hell she'd even kissed Jaime before! Both kisses were drunk kisses sure, but they had happened! Lauren rolled her eyes at herself knowing she was being stupid.

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