Suspicious Minds

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The first time Lauren flinched away from Joey he brushed it off and continued about his daily life as if nothing had happened.

They had been cooking together (as most of their evenings went these days) when Lauren had stretched up for the garlic powder on a higher shelf. Joey, being the perfect gentleman, had placed his hands high up her waist and lifted her into the air so she could reach the flavouring easier. She had laughed initially and then squirmed a little as he placed her back on her feet, a look of hurt on her face.

"You okay Lo?" He asked, removing his hands and taking a step back afraid he had hurt her.

"Yeah," she smiled up at him pained and carried on as if nothing had happened. Joey frowned but returned to stirring the sauce in the saucepan as she seasoned the chicken.

"So how was your day off?" He asked.

"Yeah it was good, treated myself to a Starbucks," she grinned over her shoulder at him and he smiled back, pleased she no longer looked in pain.

"Did you try their new menu? They've got some cheesecake concoction going on at the minute,"


"Yeah, I think it's a summer thing?" He turned the heat down on the pan and handed Lauren a large knife at exactly the right moment. She smiled up at him in thanks and made light work of dicing the chicken breast.

"I didn't even see it," She said as Joey came to stand behind her placing his hands gently on her hips.

"What did you go for then?" He asked ducking down to press a kiss to her temple.

Lauren shrugged and slid the chicken into the sauce Joey had prepared, giving it a quick stir before turning around to face him, her hands landing on his forearms as she stared up at him.

"Don't remember," she said, pressing up on tiptoes to kiss him softly. "I don't think we've done that today,"

"I always kiss you good morning!" Joey exclaimed and Lauren rolled her eyes stretching her arms up to lock around his neck.

"But other than that," she said shaking her head gently. Joey cast his mind back to earlier that day. He had of course kissed her this morning as was their ritual and then he had left for work. When he came home Lauren was already back and preparing their dinner so he had changed and joined her in the kitchen.

"You're right," he mused, wrapping his arms around her back to keep her pressed to him, "you wanna make up for lost time?" He asked waggling his eyebrows at her as she laughed loudly.

"We've got twenty minutes before we have to check on the food," she shrugged. Joey grinned down at her and adjusted his hands to pick her up. "Not for that!" She exclaimed before he could lift her.

"Twenty minutes is plenty of time Lo," He said, squatting down.

"Well... I don't want to," she finally said. Joey dropped his hands as if he'd been burnt and stood upright abruptly causing Lauren to let go of him.

"Okay," he said quietly.

"I don't wanna get all gross before dinner," she tried to explain, looking up at him her eyes wide, soft and concerned.

"It's okay Lo, you don't have to explain yourself," Joey replied taking a step closer to her and tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. "You don't want to and that's fine," he tried to reassure her.

"I still love you," she said leaning into his palm.

"I love you too,"

"And I still want you," she said as Joey laughed.

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