"You look good in it," (1/16)

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"You look good in it," Joey said, hiding a laugh behind his hand.

"You're not funny," Lauren warned.

She was currently stood in a tailoring shop on a pedestal wearing the grooms-woman dress her brother's wife-to-be had sent her.

"Well I happen to think you look good in anything," he shrugged, dropping his hand and tilting his head to smile softly at her.

The seamstress made her way around the hemline of the dress, marking in chalk where it would need to be taken up. She stood up and pulled slightly at the fabric around Lauren's chest, causing the dress to fit her more comfortably.

"That's nice," the dresser mumbled and Lauren rolled her eyes at her boyfriend.

"It's just not my colour," she said as Joey approached her side, careful not to disrupt the lady.

"Honey, everything's your colour,"

"Will you shut up and just agree with me?" Lauren argued.

The seamstress tutted audibly and the short brunette growled under her breath. Of course everyone would side with Joey.

"No can-do amigo," he picked up her left hand and pressed a kiss to her palm, "this is a great colour,"

"You must be colour blind," she sighed as Joey laughed.

The seamstress disappeared into a back room for a moment and Lauren took the opportunity to get closer to the mirror, avoiding having to squint so bad. The dress would be a good fit once it was properly tailored and she supposed the halter neck style with a flowing full-length skirt wasn't so bad either. Just, burgundy really wasn't her colour.

"Just suck it up, will you?" Joey laughed as he saw her frown in the mirror. "This is your brother and new sister-in-law's day and this is what they want you to wear,"

Lauren's frown slipped slightly. It was true, Mark had very kindly asked her to be a grooms-woman and she shouldn't be so ungrateful as to hate what she had to wear. It wasn't like she was trying to impress anyone anyway. Joey would still love her if she turned up wearing a potato sack. She took a deep breath and returned to the pedestal with a sigh.

"Besides," Joey added as he hopped up on the pedestal beside her and smiled at them in the mirror, "when it's our wedding you can subject him to whatever colour you like,"

Lauren caught his eye in the mirror and he grinned at her with a tilt of his head.

"Our wedding?" She asked softly. It wasn't like they hadn't spoke about it before, getting married that is, but it had always been a bit of a pipe dream. There were no plans and they were both content in the knowledge that it would happen when it happened, no pressure.

"Don't you think we look like a little cake topper?" Joey asked, taking her hand and refusing to look at her in person.

"I hope you know you're not wearing those shorts to our wedding,"

"Ah babe," Joey pouted finally looking down at her. She tilted her head back and laughed at the ridiculous look on his face. "I'd marry you in whatever you wanted to wear," he added petulantly.

Lauren cupped his face in her hands and raised herself on tiptoes to kiss him softly. She pulled back to gaze at him lovingly and patted his cheek.

"Yeah, you're still not wearing those shorts."

So!!! My genius friends Tittymitty and lauren-lopez-fangirl decided to take fifty prompts and split them between the three of us...
It was a dumb idea because I'm currently doing NaNoWriMo! But because I'm also dumb I've been writing them instead of my actual novel. They'll all be similar lengths, nice and short and just fluff. Hope you enjoy!
Massive thanks to Tittymitty and lauren-lopez-fangirl for giving me 16 instead of 17 and for inspiring me to write when it's the last thing I want to do.

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