"The stars wish they were as bright as you," (8/16)

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"The stars wish they were as bright as you,"

"Ew Joey!" Lauren whined with a laugh as she passed through the living room and into the kitchen, grabbing an apple from the fruit bowl before hovering over the back of the couch.

"You're not supposed to be listening!" Joey exclaimed, flipping the lid of his laptop down and scowling up at her from his position on the couch.

"I was hungry," she shrugged, taking a bite out of her apple.

"You're not supposed to hear my vows until the wedding day Lauren," the brunette said pointedly. He leaned forward and took a bite out of her apple and then looked up at her, brown eyes wide.

"How else am I going to check they're not super gross and cheesy?" She asked, raising an eyebrow as she perched on the back of the couch.

"You're supposed to trust me,"

"I do trust you," Lauren replied, smoothing his hair back from his face with a soft smile, "but you let your words run away with you sometimes," she sighed, "I'd feel better if you read them to Corey or Brian or someone with a filter so they're fit for an audience,"

"But they're for you," he whined, resting his head on her palm pathetically.

"Okay, okay," she laughed, "how about you write one for our wedding and a separate set just for me?"

Joey sat upright, looking at her like she was the smartest person on the planet.

"You're a genius," he finally said, opening his laptop and tilting the screen away from her. "I knew I was marrying you for a reason,"

She laughed and dropped her head to his shoulder, pressing a kiss to his cheek as he batted her away.

"Hey, wait," Joey called out as she reached the doorframe. "Are you writing two sets of vows?"

"Ugh," Lauren groaned, her shoulders sagging, "but that's so much work,"

"Hey!" Joey laughed, faking outrage.

"Will you be offended if they're the same vows as the wedding ones?" She asked, only half joking.

"Lo," he tilted his head back on the couch to look at her lopsided, "you wouldn't do that to me,"

"I could never," she teased with a smile.

"Then you better get to work,"

"I could do with some inspiration," Lauren replied, making her way back over to the couch and attempting to sneak a peek over his shoulder.

"No way!" Joey laughed, closing his laptop lid again and facing her properly.

"Oh come on," she giggled, her hands resting on his shoulders.

Joey slid the laptop to the floor and then pulled Lauren over the back of the couch and straight onto his chest as she laughed loudly at him. He tickled her sides causing her to squirm on top of him and only stopped after she begged him to through tears of laughter.

"You are adorable, you know that?" The brunette asked, pushing Lauren's hair out of her face with a smile.

"If you call me adorable in your vows, I will punch you," she warned, a telling smile tugging at the corner of her mouth.

"You wouldn't,"

"Try me,"

"Maybe later," he grinned, shifting her off of his lap and onto the floor carefully as she cried out indignantly, "I have vows to write."

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