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I look at David with wide eyes, not expecting that reaction.

"I had no doubt that you'd kill this interview. If you're alright with it, I'd like you to sign the contract as soon as possible." He looks over to the guys and they're all still looking at me.

"Uhh..." I'm not sure how to answer. I didn't even think they'd like the song, not to mention except me into the group.

"I mean, if you're not comfortable with that, you don't have to."

"No, it's not that. I just wasn't expecting it to be so quick." I answer and pull the guitar strap over my head.

"I see no reason why you shouldn't be a part of the band." He looks over to the boys again. "They seemed to have liked it." We chuckle and the boys snap out of whatever trance they were in.

"Okay. When do I start?"

"As soon as you can move in." My eyes widen and I think he can tell I wasn't expecting that. "I know living with boys, especially these boys," he glances to the guys again and they just smile back like children. "Can be a big change but it will make the process go smoother. You guys will also be closer. Are you alright with that?" I nod. "Alright, we can use our van and you can bring all of your stuff over here." My eyebrows crease in confusion and I look back to David.

"I don't think I need a van. I don't have much." I respond. Now it's David's turn to look at me in confusion.

"You do know that you'll be living here. You must have at least a few suitcases." I shake my head and start to twiddle my fingers again.

"I don't own that much stuff. I can just walk back to the hotel and get my belongings. I can be back in the morning." Everyone looks at me, confused. Good Lord, I've said too much and now they'll know I'm a homeless fuck-up. Great, there goes any potential career I had.

"Walk?" Jonah asks. I turn back to him. "Why didn't you tell us? One of us could have picked you up." He says. I open my mouth to answer, but David cuts me off.

"I can give you a lift and you can grab your things. Might as well spend the night here." He says.

"I don't want to be a bother." I don't stutter but I'm not so sure about how this will turn out.

"Nonsense! Come on, I'll drive you." He says, standing up.

"Oo! I wanna go!" Jack jumps up and grabs my hand, pulling me up and starts running to the door.

I see that all of the other boys do the same thing and now, we're all standing outside, waiting for David to come out with the keys.

"So, why is all your stuff in the hotel?" Zach asks.

"Um..." Come on, think of something. "I just got kicking out of my apartment. I've been in a hotel until I get another place and I had to get rid of a lot of my things." I mean, it's not a complete lie.

"Oh. I didn't want to make you feel uncomfortable or anything." He says, scratching his neck. Corbyn lightly hits his stomach, telling him to be quiet.

"No, it's fine. I honestly knew I would get kicked out sooner or later." I smiled shyly as David walked out of the house. He unlocked the car and we all piled in. The boys let me sit in the front because they knew I wouldn't be too comfortable sitting in between them. We pulled out of their still, but slightly less, dumb driveway and into the LA streets. I think it would have been much quicker to walk, just saying. There's just so much traffic.

"Max, was that song you did an original?" Daniel asks from the back seat.

"No, it's by James Brown. The cover I did is sort of a cover of Juliet Simm's cover, though. If that makes sense." I smile. Corbyn leans forward next to me and rests his arm on my seat.

"Who's that?" Corbyn asks.

"Juliet Simms?" He nods and I turn to look at him. His face is closer than I expected and I lean away from him a bit. He frowns but stays in the same place. "She's a singer. I absolutely adore her. I cover her a lot on my YouTube channel."

"Oh yeah, you did End of the World. That was her, right?" I hear Daniel from the back.

"Yeah, that's her." I smile.

"It was really good." I thanked him and moved a piece of Hair behind my ear. We paused our conversation because David asked where the hotel was and I gave him the address. It was only a mile away but the traffic was dreadful and we were moving really slowly.

"Can I ask how you guys found me?" I ask. The guys start laughing and I look back at them.

"Daniel and Zach are big fans." Jack chuckled. I look at the two. Zach was red in the face and Daniel was trying to avoid my gaze, looking off into space. I chuckled. "They recommended adding you when David said he wanted a female voice."

"That's cool. I didn't think I'd get any offers from doing covers."

"Is this where you're staying?" David asks, ending our conversation.

"Yeah. I'll just grab my stuff and I'll be out." He pulls into the parking lot and I do just that. I had to explain to the receptionist why I wasn't staying the night and handled everything. I carry my guitar and backpack out and David opened the trunk. I easily put the two bags in and climb back up to the front.

"You really don't have much stuff." Zach says. I hear a slap. "Ow!" I laugh quietly to myself.

"I told you, I had to get rid of most of my stuff when I got kicked out."

"Boys, don't pester her." David steps in.

"I don't mind, really. So how long have you guys been together?" I ask, changing the subject. I really don't mind talking about it, I just wanted to know about them. I've been taking about myself too much.

"About three months. We formed in late September." Jonah answers. I nod and we finally pull back up to their house.

"Do you mind sharing a room?" Jack asked.

"Not really." I shrug as we pile out of the van. He stands by me while I wait for the trunk to open and I grab my bag. I almost got my guitar when a hand butted in.

"It's two things, I can get it." I smile at Corbyn.

"Nope," My bag is pulled off my shoulder and I turn to find Jack. "We are here to help." They both smile like children and run into the house. I laugh at them and walk in with the others.

"Max!" I look up to find Jack and Corbyn at the top of the stairs. "You're rooming with Daniel and me." Jack says as they run off to the room.

"Yay!" Zach says. "I always wanted a big sister!" He hugs me and I hug back with a laugh. These boys are fun to be around.

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