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Yesterday was definitely eventful. Not a really exciting eventful but I guess busy is a better word.

On the first day of staying in the Why Don't We house, I had to wake up early so I could go sign the contract. The boys stayed home while David took me to the record label to get everything settled. I'm officially apart of the band now.🎉

Later on, the rest of the band joined us and they had me record some songs just so I could practice and get a feel. I also learned songs that we were planning on using during the Taking You tour that started next month. We also announced my arrival to the fans. I'm not sure how they're responding but I hope the haters can handle this travesty.

The boys have been really happy and friendly. I can immediately tell I'm the more introverted one of the group, but I think I can handle it. They make me feel included so no matter what and I know we can get along.

Today, we went back to the label to practice together and get an overall feel of how we sound. David said he had thought adding another voice, especially a female one, would be difficult to mix in with an already good combination. But earlier today, he said my voice matched well with the boys' and they agreed that we work terrifically as a group. I was happy to know we were all on the same page and I fit in well.

Right now, we were at a restaurant for lunch. We finished up in the studio so the boys said we should 'celebrate.'

Our conversations were random and we were honestly just having a good time. David turned to me as soon as the talking died down a bit.

"I've been meaning to ask for you phone number. We all need to be able to get a hold of you." David said.

"Oh well, um, I don't really have a phone right now." I reply shyly. My head turns to Zach when I hear him start to choke on his food. He quickly composes himself and turns to me.

"You don't have a phone!?" He yells in shock. "How!?" I shrug.

"We need to get you a phone. You don't have to use for much but we need to be able to call you or you need to be able to call us if there's any trouble." David says calmly.

"I was gonna buy one since I have some money I saved up. I just haven't had much time in the past few days." I answer, taking a sip of my water.

"Don't worry about that, I'll get you one. The label covers that. Why don't you and the boys go shopping or something while I do that. That one backpack won't go far on tour." He says and puts his card in for the bill. The waitress comes over and collects it while I stay silent.

"I can't let you buy me a phone." I argue.

"Something I learned: never ask for things. But when someone offers, always except. Besides, I told you it was from the label." I sigh and look at him, knowing I won't win. The waitress comes back and David signs before we all stand up.

I know the boys weren't paying much attention to our conversation because they ask what we're doing next.

"You guys and Max are going shopping, show her around LA a bit." David answers and I look down to my feet.

"Whoo! Mall time!" Zach yells and he and Jack start to run around, clicking their heels and whatever. I chuckle and David turns to talk to me.

"Take my card, whatever you guys want is on me." My eyes widen again.

"I have money, you know. You won the phone argument but I can't let you do this." He raises an eyebrow.

"I like that you're tough, that's going to be good when handling the pop star life. But right now, take the card because I won't give it to you again." I huffed and have I'm again.

"Fine. But I'm not going to buy much and try to get the least expensive phone, nothing too much. I don't need it." I say as he begins to walk to the car.

"No promises!" I roll my eyes and walk toward the mall with the five boys besides me.

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