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The boys have all helped me while I was in the hospital. The past two days have been mostly recovery and the nurses making sure there's nothing else wrong.

As of now, we are finally pulling up to our house. David came home as well and was our driver. Not everyone could fit in the van so Corbyn, Daniel, and Zach stayed back. Corbyn's been really happy but I guess he always is. He's just been staying really close to me lately. I don't mind, I like having my bean around.

Before I can even take a step out the car, Aaron comes over and helps me out. He knows I don't like to be babied so he just holds my side that isn't injured.

"Are you sure you got it?" He asks.

"I'm alright." I smile up at him and he helps me over to the door. I specifically told the boys no welcome home party so if I walk in to the word 'surprise,' I'm not going to feel sorry for not helping them walk out of the hospital. Wow, that's violent. I didn't mean it like that.😬(okay but who else loves this emoji?😬it is my soul)

Jonah walks on the other side of me and Jack holds the door open. I smile as we make our way inside and I sigh in content.

Being discharged was a dream, but being home is like heaven.

"Max is home!" Zach yells from the top of the stairs like a child saying that mom is home. He runs down the stairs and pulls my into a quick but gentle hug. He pulls back quickly after a second and looks worried.

"Am I hurting you? I just really wanted to hug you, I don't know if-"

"I'm alright, Zach." I smile at his concern and he pulls me back into a hug. When he pulls away, Corbyn and Daniel are also downstairs, waiting for hugs as well. They open their arms expectantly.

"Guys, I saw you less than an hour ago in the hospital." I remind them.

"Yes, but we love you so much that even a minute away feels like an eternity." Corbyn says and pulls me into his famous bear hug. I laugh softly to myself and hug everyone else again.

"So how does it feel to walk, Maximize?" Jack asks, ruffling my hair slightly.

"Amazing! I hate sitting and laying down with a passion." I squint my eyes in mock hate and the boys laugh. "Also, I still hate that nickname." Jack laughs again.

We all decided to just take it easy and lay around the living room. Everyone told stories about their Christmas break and we just listened, laughing and smiling to every word. They told us about New Year's and Christmas Day and what they got. Everyone had big smiles on their faces and it made me happy.

I sat on the couch with Aaron and he seemed to get along with the boys just fine. His arm is wrapped gently over my shoulder, with his hand resting on the one that wasn't injured.

"I'm going to bed." Zach yawns and runs his eyes as he stands up. I look outside and realize it's dark out. We must have been talking for a while.

"Yeah me too." Daniel gets up.

"Yeah, I need to get back home." Aaron says from next to me. I nod and he gives me a kiss on the head before standing up.

"Goodnight, Guys." Corbyn says and stands up, frowning slightly. The others get up as well and some stretch before heading off. Aaron closes the door behind him and I turn back to the living room, still sitting on the couch.

"Goodnight, Maxwell." Jack says and leans over to hug me. His curly hair is pushed in my face as his face settles by my neck. I laugh and run a hand through his hair.

"Goodnight, noodle-head." I laugh softly.

"Ha. Ha." He laughs sarcastically and pulls away from me. He smiles and starts to walk up the stairs.

"You coming up?" He asks in the middle of the stairway.

"In a bit." I respond and he nods before continuing upstairs, walking into our shared room.

can i lay by your side|corbyn bessonWhere stories live. Discover now