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"We love you, Anaheim!"

"Thank you for making this tour so amazing! We hope to see you soon!" The boys wave and stand at the front of stage for a bit, hearing the crazy audience. I have a wide smile and I'm sure the boys do too as we look over the crowd before finally making our way off stage. We make it backstage and find David and the rest of the crew waiting for us.

"Last night of the Taking You tour and you all couldn't have killed it anymore!" The boys and I all cheer as David announces the good news.

"Group hug!" Jack yelled. We all piled together and I started to smile even bigger than I was before.

"Ugh! You guys are all sweaty and smelly!" I yell jokingly.

"You are too!" Zach points out.

"Oh yeah." We chuckle.

"But you love us anyway." Corbyn says next to my ear.

"Yeah, I do love you." The guys all let go with big smiles on their faces.

"She said it!" Jack yells.

"You Love us! You love us!" Daniel says, jumping up and down like a child. The boys let go but I find that Corbyn is still holding into me tightly.

"Beanie?" He hums in a response but keeps me in his embrace. "Beanie, we have to go. We can hug all you want in the bus."

"Awe." He lets go buy I find a pout on his lips. I frown too and stand on my toes to kiss his cheek. Corbyn blushes profusely and the others stare at us with their jaws hung open.

"WoAh." Corbyn's voice cracks and I laugh before walking over to the dressing room. We gather our remaining stuff and start walking out back to the bus afterward.

On the way there, I feel my phone buzz in my back pocket. I take it out and look at the message.

Unknown- you don't know me but I need to talk to you.

My eyebrows furrow and I stop walking. The guys are all walking behind and they stop as well.

I feel a hand on my shoulder.

"What's wrong?" Jonah asks.

"I got a weird text." I showed him the message. His face reveled his confusion and he just shrugged.

The other guys looked at the text as well before I took my phone back.

"Why don't you call it?" Zach suggested. I nodded and pressed the call button. It rang a few times before I heard a female voice.

"This is Max right?"

"Yeah, how did you get my number?" I asked and continued to walk with the boys. The line was silent for a second.

"Well, that's what I wanted to talk to you about. It's kind of a long story but I knew I needed to tell you." I don't even know who this is, why is it worrying me so much?

"Go on." I urge. She takes a breathe and continues.

"My name is Adeline. Last night, I was at the bar with some friends and a man came up to me. I had had a few drinks so I wasn't really thinking when he starting flirting with me. I went back to his place and well- I think you know what happened next." She paused and I exhaled deeply. We finally made it to the bus and we walked up the steps.

"Why are you telling me about this?" I sat down on the couch in the front of the bus. The boys all sat down and Jack and Zach went on their laptops. Probably to play Fortnite. God, they're such children.

"When I woke up the next morning, I realized what had happened. I was looking at him, trying to figure out if I knew him, when I heard his phone buzz... it was you texting him." My eyes widened as I realized what she was taking about. It's not him. It can't be, he wouldn't. "I put his thumbprint in and wrote down your number in my phone so I could tell you. You may hate me but I don't want you to be with a cheater." She stayed silent and so did I.

"You're sure it was him?" I closed my eyes and placed my fingers and the bridge of my nose. Some of the boys looked up to me.

"I am. I'm on birth control so he didn't get me pregnant but I know for a fact that he was sober enough to know what he was doing." The bus was silent and everyone was looking at me. I ran my fingers through my hair.

"I'll talk to him. Thank you for telling me." I stood up with the phone still on my ear. I didn't really need the boys questioning me after my call so I headed to my bunk.

"Okay. I'm sorry for all of this."

"No, it's not your fault. I'm just glad you told me." I climb up into my bunk and lie down.

"No problem. Goodbye." I mumble a bye as well and hang up.

That asshole.

I trusted him with everything I had. Usually when people are cheated on, they blame themself and get really sad but not me. I'm pissed and I don't need to blame anyone else but the cheater himself. (There ya go, kids. A damn good lesson for you.)

I close my phone and stare up into the darkness. I feel the bus start moving and I can't wait to just get home. We're in Anaheim so it will only take about 40 minutes to get back to our house.

I feel my phone start to vibrate and I check the screen. I find Aaron's contact and I choose to ignore it. We'll be home soon and he will be at our house tomorrow.

I'll talk to him then.

can i lay by your side|corbyn bessonWhere stories live. Discover now