Chapter 4

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Odell's Pov

Lexie ass was suppose to be going car shopping today but she always get side tracked. How we end up in the Gucci store I don't know. I was just following her around because I'm ready go car shopping.

" What exactly are you looking for Lex," Odell asked walking upstairs in Gucci with her.

" Im not sure omg aren't these just cute," Lexie asked holding up pair Gucci shoes.

" Yeah," Odell said not really paying attention.

" Odell," Lexie said plucking him.

" I'm sorry I just thought we was going car shopping," Odell said.

" We are once we leave here but I'm buying these three pairs," Lexie said.

" Whatever you want sexy," Odell said.

" My babies gone be rocking Gucci you feel me," Lexie said laughing.

" Oh but you said I was gone be the one to spoil them," Odell said.

" It's shoes you so stupid," Lexie said walking checkout.

Once we got to check out the total came to $869.96. I swiped my credit and then we left finally to go look for cars.

 I swiped my credit and then we left finally to go look for cars

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Lexie's Pov

Y'all we have been shopping and looking at different cars all day. Although I know which two I want out of the four we looked at. I was just now sitting in car dealership talking to Odell.

" Out of the ones we have saw  which are your pick," Lexie asked.

" I want the Bentley and Range," Odell said.

" I want the Bentley and the Lamborghini truck," Lexie said.

" How about we just get all three," Odell asked.

" Deal but we getting the Bentley today," Lexie said.

" Fine," Odell said.

" Yeah I'm getting my Bentley truck," Lexie said happily.

" Okay So you guys decide on what you want today," the dealer asked.

" Yup I want the second Bentley truck we saw," Lexie said.

" The one with black and red interior right," the dealer asked.

" Yes please," Lexie said.

After that the only part I hate is the paperwork. Therefore I quickly got started on it and signing all the paperwork. Then I gave them the black card to swipe it. Once I did that it was time for me to get my truck.

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