Chapter 54

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Odell's Pov

I just wrapped this charity event up with Chris and I was about go home. Although I couldn't help but feel bad about Holly. I don't know how deal with that but I felt bad about how I dismissed her.

I was focusing on working but I know she was still off and trying focus. When I got ready to go home I saw her standing in front of building on her phone. I just decided to walk up to her and see what's good.

" Yo Holly you good," Odell asked.

" Yeah I'm fine," Holly said.

" Look I'm sorry about what happened earlier I was rude," Odell said.

" No you were right I need keep my personal apart from my work it won't happen again," Holly said.

" It's all good but what you waiting on if you don't mine me asking," Odell asked.

" I don't know I'm trying get home but I have pick my daughter up from daycare and I'm just stressed out," Holly said about cry but Odell stopped her.

" Don't cry I'll take you," Odell said.

" You don't have to Odell it's all good I'm keep calling this jack ass," Holly said.

" I know you not talking about this dude you was fussing with earlier," Odell asked.

" Yeah But you don't understand," Holly said.

" I think I understand enough where real man would never disrespect any women like that. So out the kindness of my heart let me take you get daughter and bring home," Odell said.

" Sure Thanks," Holly said.

After I said that I unlocked the G-Wagon and opened the door for Holly. Once she was inside I shut the door and got in on the driver side and took off.

Lexie Pov

I just finished long day of work I picked out some new fabrics I wanted. Then I organize and set up to shoot commercial for Fashion Nova. Although now I have cast models do budgeting and bunch of other crap. I was on my way home and I called Odell to see if he could pick up kids because he was closer.

He didn't answer so I had drive 45
minutes to my parents house sitting in traffic when he was like 15 minutes away. Honestly that kind of pissed me off but I brushed it off and just drove to my parents house.

When I got to my parents house I said hey to them then put twins in their car seat. My dad helped me snap them in car and then I kissed him goodbye and drove home. Of course when I got home his ass wasn't even here because the G-Wagon still gone.

Odell's Pov

I kind of lost track of time after I took Holly to pick up her daughter. Her daughter was hungry so I took both of them to get something to eat. Right now I was just in Holly's apartment because I wanted to make sure she get up safe.

" You good now," Odell asked sitting on couch.

" Honestly no I may have quiet being your assistant and move back home with my aunt," Holly said.

" Why," Odell asked .

" Odell I grew up rich I loved this life okay. Although my parents died and left me $4 million dollars. I blew through $4 mill in one year. Bought $1.5 million in cars. Took exotic trips and just one day all my number trickled down.

I got all my cars repolled because I was in death. Lost million dollar house I couldn't pay for. I wasn't smart now I'm sitting her struggling to get my bills paid. Begging dude come back that treat me like shit so he can pay them for me or I'll be on my ass," Holly said.

" I ain't gone lie to you it's expensive to live out here but sometimes you got learn and live from your mistakes. Do what you got to do and get yourself together because man who treat you like that ain't worth nothing," Odell  said.

" You right thanks Odell, you so sweet Lexie is lucky women to be engaged to you have your kids," Holly said.

" I'm lucky man to have such strong women like her to be my fiancé and have my kids that's my heart," Odell said.

" Well how about you share some with me she don't have to know," Holly said looking at Odell.

" What," Odell asked.

" Let me show you better than I can tell you," Holly said.

Holly leaned over and tried to kiss Odell but he completely ducked her. As soon as it happened he stood up and grabbed his keys.

" Holly what you doing that's not what I meant," Odell said.

" Then what you meant Odell your fiancé don't have to know I won't tell," Holly said while unbuttoning her shirt.

" You fired Holly I'm sorry you do to much. I tried be nice and help you out but you females always go there. One I'm loyal to my wife always and forever. I'm not getting caught up with no hoe. Call Mark to pick up your last check I'm out," Odell said walking out door.

After I walked out of Holly apartment I went straight to my car and left. I saw I had like five missed calls from Lexie. My phone was still on silent from the shoot and I never heard the calls. Although I'm thinking should I tell my fiancé a girl tried have sex with me and almost kisses me.

Lexie Crazy and being that I didn't answer her phone I know she already pissed. Then last time I didn't tell her the truth she left me. I'm just tell her because if I don't tell her it would be more drama. Plus I'm not going call her back I'm wait until I get home before she flash through phone.

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