Chapter 9

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Odell's Pov

Although I saw Justin sitting in back on his phone. I laughed to myself Kids I swear at young age. I walked inside the class and lot of the kids started whispering mostly the boys. That's when Justin finally looked up and saw me before I sat next to him.

" You finally made it huh," Justin said putting his phone up.

" You know I wouldn't leave you hanging," Odell said dabbing Justin up.

" Had no doubt," Justin said.

After that couple more adults walked in and then the teacher started talking. Honestly this shit felt weird ass hell to me to be sitting back in class.

Although this teacher was young as hell and I could swear she kept eyeing me. Biting her lips and shit but I ain't got time for this. People does anything these days I swear I started laughing to myself.

" What you laughing at," Justin asked.

" Nun J," Odell said stopping his self.

" Okay I wanna thank all the adults who have came here to help each one of these kids present their future careers. We going get started in alphabetic order so Abigail Adam you up first," the teacher said.

Y'all everyone who was in this room had parent who was a doctor or lawyer. I guess it's the life we live in Los Angeles the rich and famous. Each one of these people got up and said the same thing.

These kids looked like they was tired they self of hearing it. I know Justin was he went sleep during half of these people presenting. Finally it was Justin turn his last name had start with W.

" I expect everyone to give him the same respect you guys received," the teacher said.

" Yes ma," the kids said.

" Okay Justin introduce your guest to the class and tell us what he does," the teacher said.

" This my uncle Odell Beckham and he's wide receiver for the New York Giants," Justin said.

Is just me or it felt good to hear him call me his uncle. After he introduced me he basically described what he wanted to do. Then the kids could ask me and him questions.

" How much wide receiver make," one kid asked.

" It depends but on average I make $100 million year or more. Although when first start of you won't make that much. You have to work up to that," Odell said.

" How do you make to nfl," a kid asked.

" Work hard go practice every day and go college. That's the most important thing. Plus got eat right and workout," Odell said.

" What college did you go too," a kid asked.

" LSU," Odell said.

" Where's LSU," a kid asked.

" In Louisiana it stand for Louisiana State University,"Odell said.

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