Chapter 27

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Odell's Pov

What's up it's your boy Odell and I been traveling none stop. I have been taking care of so much business it's crazy. I just wrapped up my work out in Atlanta. I was suppose stay to do interview but I declined.

I miss my baby girl and I haven't seen her in two weeks. I talk to her whenever I had time and the babies. Although I know today her fashion show so I got go support her. That's my whole heart plus I told her I couldn't make it.

She said that it was okay but I know I hurt her feelings. That's why I flew back early to surprise my baby girl. I texted her assistant Morgan and asked where Lexie was.

Of course she's at building where her fashion show is being held getting ready. That's why when my car pulled up I walked inside building to surprise her. When I got inside I saw someone I never expected to see.

" Lora," Odell said.

" Odell I thought Lexie said you were busy traveling and working," Lora asked.

" I was I'm finished traveling I'm back working in La now. I'm here surprise Lexie where is she," Odell asked.

" Omg she going be so happy she was really bummed out you weren't coming but she's in back helping models get dress," Lora said.

" Alright thanks but how you and fam been I see back fit," Odell said giving her hug.

" Had get my body back I'm back dancing again. Maria still bad as ever and Darnell catching up with some of his friends," Lora said.

" Where is Maria," Odell asked.

" Back in New York with my mom and dad," Lora said.

" Oh well it was good seeing you I'm catch later," Odell said.

" Okay don't make my sister go into labor early," Lora said laughing.

" I won't," Odell said before walking back stage.

When I walked backstage it had so many people moving around. Although I spotted the one thing that makes Lexie stand out her stomach. I walked up behind her and tapped her shoulder. Although when she turned around she had biggest smile on her face.

" ODELL," Lexie screamed wrapping her arms around Odell's neck.

" I missed you to baby how you doing," Odell asked.

" Amazing now that your here come here," Lexie said wrapping her arms around Odell's neck and given him long passionate kiss.

" Dang you really missed me huh," Odell asked.

" Omg yes I missed everything about you I know you missed me to don't stunt," Lexie Said laughing.

" I know baby girl but anything you need help with," Odell asked.

" Nope everything is in order I'm about go into hair and makeup and get changed for show which is in three hours," Lexie Said.

" Well I'm go run home and change and shower and I'll be back in about hour Okay," Odell said.

" I don't want you leave you just got back baby I haven't seen you in two weeks," Lexie said pouting.

" I know I love you I'm be right back I been on plane for three hours," Odell said.

" Okay well hurry up and be back baby I wanna know everything. How was your trips what you did I missed you and babies did too," Lexie said rubbing her stomach.

" I know I promise love you," Odell said pecking her lip.

" Love you too baby see in few," Lexie said before letting him go and walking in opposite directions.

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