Chapter 53

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Lexie Pov

I just got hooked up to go live on The Real. The women are so sweet and open and this one interview I'm excited to do. They just bringing positive to me right now and energy in here so real. I wish every interview could be like this but most of the ones I do want drama.

Plus they have live audience which I think is good. This my first time doing interview or speaking publicly since I had twins. The work I have been doing before this was office work with my company and desgins. Nothing that really caused me to be in the public eye. Although I guess it's time again to get it done.

" Okay Ms.Westbrooks we need you in back we on in 120 seconds," the producer said.

" Okay I'm ready let's go," Lexie said walking out her waiting room.

" After they introduce you they going hear small beep in your ear telling you it's your cue to walk out on stage. You take this off before walking on stage then take seat," the producer said.

" Okay Thanks ," Lexie said.

" Your welcome but 80 seconds now," the producer said.

" Welcome back to The Real today we have new co host joining us,"Adrienne said.

" Talking to use about becoming new mother, being fiancé, and balancing being CEO of billion dollar business while running multiple other businesses," Loni said.

" Also how she bounced back after giving birth to not one but two babies," Tamera said.

" Let's Welcome Lexie Liberty Westbrooks," Jeanne said.

After she said that I heard the beep and I took the set off and walked off onto stage and took my seat in the middle.

" Welcome to The Real," everyone said.

" Thanks glad to be here," Lexie said.

" So off the top how are you," Adrienne asked.

" I'm wonderful still getting use to getting back into the work force after being home for couple of months," Lexie said.

" Speaking of that Congratulations on becoming mom," Adrienne said.

" Thank you," Lexie said.

" So what has been the hardest part of getting back into work force after being home," Loni asked.

" I would say leaving my babies it's so hard. I have gotten use to being home with them and snuggling and being mom. Until when it was time go back work I almost didn't," Lexie said.

" I know me being first time mom it took me while. It was like once I had kids my whole mine set changed," Tamera said.

" I would say I told this to my fiancé last night. Like before kids you had you and only you after kids it's like it's now kids then your self then other things just fall into line," Lexie Said.

" Okay I completely understand becoming mom especially first time mom things be so hard," Tamera said.

" Tell me about I just always try make sure my babies good," Lexie Said.

" As you should although you and your fiancé Odell Beckham Jr. have not released photos of your babies. The only thing you all told was their names which such beautiful and unique names they are," Jeanne said.

" No we have not released pictures of our kids but I love their names," Lexie said.

" Why haven't you guys released pictures of the babies and are you planning too," Adrienne asked.

" I mean we are going to eventually but as of now no. We don't feel need to put our kids out so early. People are so harsh and anymore I'm sure go 100 behind their kids," Lexie said.

" Okay off the top we see mama Lexie don't play behind hers," Adrienne said.

" I do not and that's why we chosen not put our kids out right now," Lexie said.

The interview went on and on and
I  answered question after questions. Which I didn't mind because they all were positive. I did cooking segment with them then the show wrapped. I exchanged number with girls and then I left. On to next job money and time waits on no one.

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