Chapter 36

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Lexie's Pov

After Dr.Noels left out room I caught strong contraction. I just closed my eyes and gripped the bed. Trying to breathe through it although it calmed me when I felt someone rubbing circles on my back. I knew it was Odell and it made me feel super comfortable. Once the contraction passed I was good.

" You Okay," Odell asked.

" Yeah I don't know if I can do this without pain medicine," Lexie said.

" Yes you can because your strong and I believe in you. Do it for babies okay," Odell said rubbing her back.

" Okay I love you," Lexie said kissing Odell's lip.

" Love you too baby," Odell said.

After that my labor was so unexpected I realized we didn't have anything. The babies car seats the hospital bags nothing. Although all of it was ready it was just home in the Bentley. Odell didn't wanna leave my side so he gave Chole the keys to car so she could go and swap out the cars.

When she left to do that Odell called his mom and dad and I did the same. Both of our families was on first flight to Los Angeles. Once we hung up and that was finished I face timed Cardi.

" Guess what," Lexie said into the phone.

" What were you at girl," Cardi asked.

" I'm in labor," Lexie said turning camera so she can see hospital room.

" Omg you only eight months tho," Cardi said.

" I know early labor who thought you and I would give birth one day apart," Lexie asked.

" Not me especially," Cardi said.

I talked to Cardi for about hour going in and out of contractions. Although I had hang up because my phone had charge because it was going dead. When I looked back up I saw my sister in law walking in room with my bags and my brother behind her with car seats.

Odell's Pov

Lexie is shockingly sleeping through this right now. Which I don't mind because she's been in so much pain. The amount of love I have for this woman right now is crazy. I respect her so much for sitting here going through this pain to bring my kids into this world.

Her brother and his wife Chole left. They had to go pick their kids up but they said they be back tomorrow. Although I was snapped out of my thought when someone opened the room door. When I looked up it was my mom and Jazzy.

" Omg I'm so happy we made in time," Heather said.

" Keep it down I don't wanna wake her up," Odell said.

" She took epidural," Heather asked.

" No that's why I want her sleep while she can," Odell said.

" I'm up the contraction getting worse Omg," Lexie said breathing hard.

" I'm right here your okay baby you can do this," Odell said rubbing her back.

" Well she won't have to for much longer. Lexie we ready to transfer you into the delivery room," Dr.Noel said.

" Okay," Lexie said breathing as contraction passed.

Couple minutes later they came and transferred Lexie into delivery room. Once they transfer Lexie to delivery room they moved all our stuff to room she be in after birth. After that was taken care of I went to delivery room with Lexie.

" Okay your at nine centimeter and your contractions are three minutes apart. Time start pushing Lexie three two one go," Dr.Noel said.

Lexie's Pov

Once Dr.Noel said I could push I gave everything. With one big push the baby head was out. Dr Noel told me push again so I pushed as hard as I could and I felt the baby leave my body.

" It's the boy dad you wanna cut the umbilical cord," Dr.Noel asked.

" I don't wanna hurt him," Odell said.

" You won't just cut right here," Dr.Noel said reaching him scissors.

After Odell cut our sons umbilical cord I got right back to pushing. Although this time when I pushed the baby came out in one big push. Which felt like big relief to me like all was right again.

" It's the girl dad you wanna cut the cord again," Dr.Noel asked.

" Yeah," Odell said as he cut the umbilical cord on his daughter.

" You did good mama you should be proud," Dr.Noels said.

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