Chapter 55

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Lexie's Pov

I'm still pissed Odell didn't answer his phone and that he's not home yet. I normally wouldn't trip like this but it was something dealing with kids and he didn't pick up. I so wanna go off on him but i'm just happy being home with my babies for the night.

I just finished bathing both of them and my self and I cooked dinner. Right now i'm just in bed with both of them watching Welcome To Halloween Town which is my all time favorite Halloween movie. Although Bentley is knocked out sleeping already, but Barbie is wide awake with her mom.

All of sudden I saw monitor on the wall go off and saw Odell driving through the gates. I rolled my eyes as I saw him drive in and the gates close behind him. I picked Bentley up and put him in the crib in our room then I grabbed Barbie and walked downstairs.

" Why you weren't answering your phone huh," Lexie asked walking downstairs.

" Look, baby, before you flash on me i'm sorry I lost track time it won't happen again," Odell said sitting the keys down.

" First of all, it wouldn't have bothered me that much but it was something about the kids. Odell I have told you 100,000 times to check your phone every now and then if on silent. You don't know what could be wrong with me or kids," Lexie said sitting on the couch.

" I know and Lexie I promise to you I won't even put my phone on silence anymore. Although what went on with the kids baby girl, " Odell asked sitting down next to her.

" I wanted you to pick babies up from my parents. You didn't answer your phone so I picked them up, I cooked, I cleaned, I bathe them and I cook dinner your welcome," Lexie said with attitude.

" Baby i'm so sorry and I wanna apologize I really appreciate everything you do and i'm sorry I wasn't there but I will be next time and every time after that," Odell said kissing Lexie cheek.

" I'll believe it when I see it Mr not so daddy of the year," Lexie said laughing.

" Hey you going take my daddy of the year title," Odell asked.

" For now you can earn it back," Lexie said laughing.

" Baby I got something I wanna tell you because I promise I won't lie to you," Odell said.

" What," Lexie asked while holding Barbie.

" Give me my child first," Odell said grabbing Barbie.

" Why," Lexie asked while reaching Barbie to Odell.

" Okay you know Holly long story short she tried to kiss me and seduce me but I declined and I fired her on the spot," Odell said.

" ha ha ha," Lexie said dying laughing.

" Lexie i'm serious," Odell said in his strict tone.

" So you didn't do nothing back to that hoe," Lexie asked.

" Nope she didn't touch me and I didn't touch her," Odell said.

" I'm happy you told me but to make a long story short i'm not mad because you were honest and truthful and you didn't do anything I love you," Lexie said pecking his lips.

" Really," Odell asked.

" Why you said really," Lexie asked laughing.

" Because you believe me," Odell said.

" What you saying I shouldn't believe you," Lexie asked confused.

" No baby i'm just shaken you didn't over react," Odell said.

" Well you told me the truth and you came to me right after it happened. There's no reason for me to be upset with you because you didn't hide it," Lexie said.

"I love you so much every time I see your face it remains me why I put that ring on your finger," Odell said kissing her lip.

" And every time I see your face it reminds me I push to big head kids out my vagina for you," Lexie said while looking at Barbie.

" Something I learned is the women always like throw I carried your kids and push them out card," Odell said.

" Oh yes that's the golden ticket I can guilt you into anything with that card," Lexie said laughing.

" You never have guilt me into anything because I'll do it just because I love you so much," Odell said.

" Awwww but Dell..........," Lexie said laughing.

" Huh," Odell asked looking at her like snack.

" Why you took Barbie you thought I was going hit you or something," Lexie asked laughing.

" HELL YEAH I know you wouldn't if I had our beautiful daughter in our hand," Odell said kissing now sleeping Barbie.

" Whatever's you so stupid but how about you go put Barbie in the crib with her brother and we can have some us time," Lexie said biting her lip.

" You don't have to tell me twice," Odell said getting up and carrying Barbie upstairs.

Once Odell carried Barbie upstairs he came back downstairs and sat on the couch. I sat on top of him and started kissing him repeatedly. Odell is my heart along with my babies although he do some stupid shit.

" You know I love you right," Odell asked.

" I know since you love me so much show me how much," Lexie said.

" I gotcha baby girl," Odell said while kissing her neck.

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