Chapter 68

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Lexie's Pov

What's up it's been couple days but we're in Miami now. My line and everything has been wrapped up and now I'm strictly focused on my wedding. Speaking of my wedding today is the day we're going look at venues.

Keith and Travis picked out five  they thought we would like and now we have make the final choice. My babies aren't with us they back in Los Angeles with my parents. We just got lot to take care of in Miami and it wasn't place for my babies.

Right now Odell and I both just finished getting dress. He went downstairs to meet guys but I still wasn't all way dress. I decided to wear this crop top from my unreleased collection that says Babes Run The World.

To tie it together I put my stretchy pants on to match. Along with my diamond necklace and my Gucci slides. I then did my makeup and put my hair in nice neat ponytail. Once that was done I slid my shades on and my gold Rolex then went meet boys downstairs.

 Once that was done I slid my shades on and my gold Rolex then went meet boys downstairs

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" By time you get your ass down here," Keith said.

" Whatever you know I got slay forever and always," Lexie said laughing.

" Morning Chica," Travis said.

" Morning Boo," Lexie said.

" You was dress when I left what took you so long," Odell asked pecking her lip.

" This ponytail took me forever I'm not gone lie but what you got in this omelette," Lexie asked.

" Just cheese and eggs," Odell said.

" I want some," Lexie said taking his fork and shoving it in her mouth.

" Damn you could have asked first greedy ass," Odell said laughing.

" Whatever so what's on the agenda for today," Lexie asked while eating Odell food.

" The first thing on agenda is for you guys to look at venues. We must get the invitations done today because y'all wedding is exactly 32 days away," Keith said.

" Fine calm down y'all ready to head out now," Lexie asked shoving the last piece of bacon in her mouth.

" Yup let's roll now we on schedule today," Keith said.

I swear I'm stressing my friend out with this wedding. Although no one could have done it better than him. When we walked outside our drier opened the door to Rolls-Royce for us. Odell and I got in the car and Keith and Travis got in one behind us.

 Odell and I got in the car and Keith and Travis got in one behind us

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Once we got in the car we took off to go to the first venue. While we was in car I called and FaceTime my mom. It ring for like couple seconds then she quickly answered.

" Heyyy ma what's up," Lexie asked.

" Nothing you wanna see babies huh," Lindsey asked.

" Yes please where are my kids," Lexie said.

Lindsey turned camera to Landon holding Bentley and Barbie.

" Look at our babies," Lexie said showing Odell the phone.

" What's up I miss y'all," Odell said through phone like they could understand.

"Me too," Lexie said smiling.

" They miss y'all too but how's everything coming along for big day," Lindsey asked.

" We On way to first venue now mom but I'll call you and let know when I can give my kids kiss for me," Lexie said.

" I will love you Lex," Lindsey said.

" Love you to ma bye," Lexie said before hanging up.

Once I hung up with my mom I saw our car came to stop. Our diver came open the door then we got out. The place was nice but I wanna see where the wedding would be.

" This the Baltimore hotel y'all ready to go inside," Keith asked.

" Yeah let's go inside but I can tell I'm not feeling it already," Lexie said.

" Lord drama queen about come out," Travis said.

" Don't do my girl," Odell said kissing Lexie top of her head.

" That's why you about be hubby," Lexie said stopping and kissing Odell's lip.

After that we walked into hotel and the host showed us the room. I instantly knew I wasn't getting married here. I just didn't wanna be rude but yet I still don't like people wasting my time so I spoke up.

" This ain't going work I don't like this," Lexie said.

" Whats wrong as I said earlier we can change things to your liking," the host said.

" Everything this room giving me old vibes the rug dusty and the lighting hella off. I don't like it no disrespect I'm not getting married here and I'm ready go," Lexie Said.

" Alright then thank you for your time," Keith said shaking lady hand before walking out with crew

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" Alright then thank you for your time," Keith said shaking lady hand before walking out with crew.

" On to venue two hopefully we have more luck their," Keith said.

" Hopefully," Lexie Said.

Once we got in car I made some snap videos and posted them. By time I was done doing that we were at second place. We got out the car and this one wasn't to bad but didn't feel like the place.

" This is amazing inside it has beach view from party room," Keith said leading them inside.

" This is amazing inside it has beach view from party room," Keith said leading them inside

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" Keith babe this one isn't that bad but I'm not saying yes or no," Lexie said.

" What's wrong with it," Keith asked.

" It's just no screaming to me get married here. What you think bae," Lexie asked.

" I mean it's whatever you want truthfully but I don't think it's place either. We going have bunch of guest family lot of friends," Odell said.

" Okay let's move on to third one hopefully it's the charm," Keith said.

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