Chapter 44

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Lexie's Pov

I woke up to my alarm set to go off at @4 a.m. yes @4 a.m. in the morning. Having kids a lot have changed to fit around them so that I can get everything I need to do in. Although this is my work out time Monday thru Thursday I work out from 4 a.m. in the morning to 7 a.m.

I just didn't get my flat stomach back bitch I got my six-pack okay. I rolled over and got on top of Odell and started kissing him. This man is no longer a heavy sleeper and neither am I every little thing wakes me up. Especially when you hear those cries through the baby monitor.

" Morning baby time work out huh," Odell asked.

" You already know now get up and get dress," Lexie said crawling out the bed.

Once I got out the bed I walked and turned on our light. After I just reached in my dresser and pulled out my blue Nike shorts and slipped them on along with my black sports bra. I reached on the floor by my door and put on my Van shoes. When I looked up I saw Odell had on pair shorts and no shirt just how I like him.

" You ready to go work out now," Lexie asked smirking.

" Are you ready we got to run two miles today," Odell said.

" Whatever grab the baby monitor so we can go," Lexie said.

Once Odell grabbed the baby monitor we walked downstairs and went outside. We have trail literally around our house that is two miles long. Therefore we both have run this trail one time then go to the gym and work out. After we got outside I counted down and we took off running the trail.

Odell's Pov

Lexie and I just finished running the trail and I love that her and I do this together. At begin her and I use work out all the time together but then we stopped once we both got busy. Although after she gave birth crazy to say her body more banging than was before. She stays on top of working out and we eating healthier now no pizza hut anymore.

Which is good for me and her because doing offseason I let my self-go and have catch back up once the season on again. Not this time what so ever I feel like i'm working out more now than I did when I was during football season. I was snapped out of my thought when I saw Lexie taking a picture in the mirror in our gym.

" Why you taking pictures we working out," Odell said jumping in her picture.

" We are after I post this," Lexie said smiling before posing her picture to Instagram.

" We are after I post this," Lexie said smiling before posing her picture to Instagram

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" Now you ready to get this work out in superstar," Odell asked kissing her neck.

" Yup let's go but put music on first," Lexie said.

" You always need something sexy," Odell said slapping her ass.

" Whatever," Lexie said laughing.

Once I connected my phone to our Bluetooth speaker in the gym I turned the music down little so we could hear if one of the babies start crying. Which I doubt they will because they normally sleep during this time anyway that's why Lexie picked this time work out.

The twins normally wake up around #8 but once that was done her and I got started with 35 leg crutches on each leg. After we finished that we both did 100 squats and then we switched to our couple exercise. Which have to be my favorite part because I get to tease her.

Their couple work out below:

" Omg i'm tired now," Lexie said sitting on floor taking pictures.

" Omg i'm tired now," Lexie said sitting on floor taking pictures

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" You did good mama high five," Odell said.

" Help me up," Lexie said joking.

" Alright come here," Odell said picking her up and throwing her over his shoulders.

" Omg O put me down," Lexie said laughing.

" Alright that ass looking good by the way," Odell said slapping her ass as he put her down.

" I know," Lexie said smirking while picking up the baby montiar and walking out the gym.

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