Chapter 61

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Lexie's Pov

Today is Odell's 23rd birthday and it ended up on Friday. His family is in Los Angles they got in late last night. As always they stay with us when they visit. This morning Mama H and I decided to get up and cook breakfasts together for everyone.

Which I don't mind because I love to cook. It gave me and Mama H some time to talk alone. We finished cooking like ten minutes ago but we was washing the pots and things we used to cook.

" So how you feel about you and Odell's wedding now that is so close," Mama H asked.

" Actually I feel super good it's going be amazing. My friend Keith owns his own event planning business. He has helped me get everything I want whatever my heart desired," Lexie said.

" That's good why did you guys decide to get married in Miami," Mama H asked.

Honestly Odell and I decided to get married in Miami because that's were the babies were conceived. Plus it had the most beautiful wedding venue out their. Although I couldn't tell his mom that so I decided to say:

" We just really loved Miami," Lexie said as she washed the last dirty dish.

" It really is pretty out their it have some nice weather but lets set this up," Mama H said.

" It is and okay," Lexie said.

After that I helped her bring the stuff to the dinning room and set the table. Once that was done before we could go wake anyone up they were coming downstairs.

First Jazzy with Bentley in her arms. Then Kordell with Barbie and Mr.Beckham with Sonny. I knew Odell wasn't up so I told them I'll go get him.

On way up the stairs I called my brother to make sure him and his fam was on way. Along with Odell's birthday gift. They was so that made me happy but my parents out town. They went on cruise to Jamaica they be back next week.

Once I got upstairs I saw Odell wasn't even sleeping. He was on the bed scrolling on his phone. I climbed in bed and got on top of him. He install grabbed my ass in his hand.

" Happy Birthday Daddy," Lexie Said kissing his lips.

" Thanks," Odell said.

" I would let you have me for breakfast but your fam downstairs," Lexie said.

" Since when that mattered this big ass house and this room sound proof remember," Odell said kissing her neck.

" Yeah but your mom and I cooked breakfast so no," Lexie said getting off of him.

Once I got off of Odell he went in bathroom and said he be downstairs in few. I told him okay and went downstairs. By time I got downstairs I saw my brother at the gate so I buzzed him in. Couple seconds later Maddie and Justin came in house along with Chole. While I went outside to Lucus and saw him getting out Odell's new wipe.

" Thanks again big bro," Lexie said hugging him.

" Your welcome," Lucus said kissing her forehead.

After that we walked back in house and saw Odell and everyone sitting at table. Bentley started crying but before I could grab him daddy to rescue. I just laughed and lucus and I took seat. We prayed over the food and then everyone dug in.

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