Hardest Pill to Swallow

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It doesn't matter how much I loved you,

It doesn't matter how amazing you made me feel.

I used to pray for the day you'd tell me you felt the same.

You were my 11:11 wish everyday.

I thought having you in my life was the highlight of my existence,

I thought your presence would make me feel complete.

The hardest thing for me was realizing that you aren't enough for me,

The hardest pill to swallow was realizing that you aren't what I need.

People think that simply loving someone is enough,

People tell me that all I had to do was fight for you and I'd be happy.

I thought you would make me happy,

I didn't want to come to terms with the fact that you aren't what I need.

I tell you that what we have right now is enough, the truth is we aren't even friends.

At least not like we used to be.

I was foolish, thinking that we'd still fit in each others lives forever,

I realize now that we can no longer give each other what we need.

It's no ones fault,

That's just the way its meant to be.

Coming to terms with what I needed and what I deserved was a long journey.

The hardest pill to swallow was that I'll be okay without you and you'll be just fine without me

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