The Elephant

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We often hear about the elephant in the room, sometimes we even go as far as addressing it but what about the elephant in our minds?

The elephant is a euphemism for something "controversial" we'd rather not discuss. But when the elephant finds no home at the back of the throat, that is when we can't bring ourselves to speak, he makes his way up to our mind and resides indefinitely.

As hard as it is to verbally address a matter, allowing the thought to burn holes in your mind is hardly any better.

To speak or not to speak? is the real question.

Utter not a word and risk the elephant taking up residence, risk having the thought run circles around your mind,


Speak and release the elephant but risk the opinions of those closest to you changing, risk misinterpretation, risk loss.

Should you have to choose, what would you do?

I often find myself struggling to answer that too

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