You deserve it

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Welcome all of the scary thoughts and emotions with arms spread wide open, squeeze them tight, then let them go.

Embrace your vulnerability and allow yourself to feel.


Learn from your thoughts.

When you reflect, mean what you say.

Have no regrets, and say everything that's on your mind.

Tell someone how they make you feel without worrying about whether or not they feel the same.

Tell your parents about your dreams and passions and don't wait for approval.

Tell your enemies about the pain they have caused and relinquish the power they have over you.

Tell your friends you love them and while you're at it, tell yourself "I love you too"

Live life however you feel it should be lived.

Do not wait for the perfect moment to ask for something and do not tell yourself you are undeserving.

Educate yourself and discover the power that being educated has.

Follow your heart.

Find your passion.

Find your voice.

Fight for what you believe in.

Learn a trade you've always wanted to.

Pick up a hobby you've never given yourself the chance to get into.

Dance in public.

Turn up the radio and give Celine Dion a run for her money.

Buy yourself a new outfit and have a photoshoot wherever you want.

Or take your camera and go on adventures by yourself.

Whatever you do, find your happiness.

Find out what it means to truly be free.

It won't be easy but it will be worth every awkward moment, every difficult conversation, every tear shed, and every ounce of pain and loneliness.

You deserve to be happy, and don't you ever forget it.

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