Augustus Rookwood

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Your pov

You were unsure of where George had ran off to. But you knew you'd have to have some time without him at some point. And he probably needed some time alone. So as you were going up the stairs to Fred and George's room, you were stopped by Percy.

"Do you know what Fred's last word were?" He asked you suddenly. Taken by shock you didn't answer, or feel anything at first. Tears streamed down Percy's pink face. This surprised you, Percy rarely showed any emotion besides a little anger, embarrassment, or pride in himself.

"He was talking to me." Percy started, "He said, he said,  'You're joking Perce! You actually are joking...I don't think I've heard you joke s-since you were--'" Percy stopped and swallowed, and you knew that was when it had happened. You felt a burning sensation pound through your head. Percy continued. "His words keep ringing in my ears, he was so close to me...when Rookwood threw that explosion. But I didn't die..." Percy trailed off, but you said nothing. "I could have done something Y/n, I saw Rookwood coming up behind him. Just as he threw that spell, I yelled at him, but it had already been done." The tears never stopped falling from his brown eyes, now circled with bags and red. The first tear fell down your still numb cheek. "I-i killed him, Y/n. I killed Fred. It was me. It was me. It was me." He repeated, his words getting quieter the more he spoke.

You took him in your arms. Percy was at least two heads taller than you. But you reached up and  grabbed his shoulder, pulling him down to you. He didn't hug you back, but he cried into your shoulder.

"You didn't Percy. You didn't. It wasn't your fault." Your voice trembled. "It was his...Rookwood's" You had never heard your voice say someone's name with such hatred, Percy pulled back from you, he hadn't heard that much spite in your voice either. "He would have done it anyways." You say gritting your teeth. Suddenly you grip Percy's arm, hard. "Did you kill him?"

Percy said nothing in shock, but you waited, staring into his dark eyes with yours surprisingly dry. Percy slowly shook his head, his disheveled curls tousled. Your eyes suddenly filled with a scary determination and you shoved past him to Fred and George's room. "Y/n wait!" Percy called after you. But you barely heard him. You were going to kill Augustus Rookwood.

You were going to kill Augustus Rookwood.

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