Now Open

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It's been a year now. Everyone was gathered at the front steps of Hogwarts to celebrate the reopening. It's May 2, 1999. The new Headmistress happened to be the old head of Gryffindor House, Minerva McGonnagall. She thought it would be a punch in the gut to Voldemort's memory to have the reopening on the anniversary of the battle.

Everyone clapped as Headmistress McGonnagall announced the opening. A small young wizard jumped up and down, stopping only to hug his young sister to his chest. He was seemingly very excited about the return of Hogwarts.

"Students of 11 to 17 years of age, please come into the newly built great hall. It has been a long year, those of you who know your houses, please sit at your respective table as we begin the sorting of all the first and would-be second years." There was shuffling as everyone made their way to their tables. George and you stood near Gryffindor.

"We will choose whom to be sorted first by alphabetical order and age. Starting with Emma Aigean."

There was a small pause before the sorting hat shouted, "Ravenclaw!"

The table beside Gryffindor errupted in cheers and the other houses stared jealously at them.

The last people sorted were twins, Winter and William Zalinke. William was sorted first into Ravenclaw and Winter into Hufflepuff. They were reluctant to leave one another but William had already sat at Ravenclaw. So Winter nervously sat at the table beside Ravenclaw.

"Those of you whom will not be staying with us for the rest of the year are now asked to leave, as we will be setting up a protective dome around the school that keeps witches and wizards from apparating into and out of the school." There was a large sigh, parents hugged their children good-bye.


"George?" You asked him once you had apparated back to the burrow.

"Yes Y/n?"

"Where do you want to go someday. Y'know, to live." You asked him.

He looked at you, his brown eyes shining. "You mean it Y/n? You really want to go buy our own place?" He asked.

You nodded. "Of course I do George. I just don't know where." You told him.

"I have an idea." He said.

In the past year, although you still had your moments, George and you had been- for the most part- happy.

You went on dates with him, in the muggle and wizarding world. You helped rebuild Hogwarts every weekend, you'd visit your mother as often as you could. George would only come sometimes, telling you every time to call him if she woke up.

"Take my hand, I have a surprise for you." He said.

You took his hand and he put a darkness charm over you. "Visus Tenebris."

You felt the familiar whoosh of apparition and landed on hard marble with a click.

"Trust me." He said.

He placed a hand on your right shoulder and his other hand interlaced your left as he led you along a straight path.

You felt a few people brush against your shoulder and you wondered where you were. 

Finally he released you and you stopped walking, you heard him mutter, "Finite Incantatum." And you could see again.  

Your eyes adjusted to the light and you knew where you were, Diagon alley. Standing in front of the abandoned joke shop, Weasley's Wizard Wheezes. 

Except it was no longer abandoned. It was back in full spring. The lights were all lit up and things whizzed around the ceiling. 

You gasped. "Oh George! How did you have the time?" 

"When you were at St. Mungo's, I fixed it all up. Along with some help." He said as he opened the door. 

"Surprise!" Everyone yelled as the door swung open. 

Molly, Arthur, Bill, Charlie, Percy, Ron, Harry, Hermione, Ginny, Lee and Angelina were all inside and all facing you. 

"Is this a joke?" You asked, your e/c eyes sparkling. 

"Of course it is! It's Weasley's Wizard Wheezes." George answered. 

George headed to the back, leaving you to be swarmed by everyone on your own. 

After handing out a lot of 'Thank yous' you headed back to find George with his back to the door. 

"Hey George?" You asked. 

He turned around, a single tear traced his left cheek. 

"Are you okay love?" You asked him, immediately going over to him and hugging him. 

He wrapped his arms around your middle, but didn't sob, he just let the tears fall silently and you felt your eyes begin to water. 

He pulled away, "No, this is not a time to cry." 

He put his hand in his pocket and pulled something out....

It was a personalized name tag that read, Y/n. 

"Y/n, will you run this shop with me." 

You jumped into his arms, "Of course I will Georgie!" You said. 

He hugged you back and spun you around the way Fred used to do when he was happy. 

You grabbed his face in both hands and kissed him passionately. 

When you pulled away and walked out hand in hand, your pin on your chest, everyone clapped. 

"We don't need an official opening, but if we did, Weasley's Wizard Wheezes is now open." 

After (A Fred, George, and Reader story)Where stories live. Discover now