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It's been a year now. Everyone was gathered at the front steps of Hogwarts to celebrate the official reopening. It's May 2, 1999. The new Headmistress happened to be the old head of Gryffindor House, Minerva McGonnagall. She thought it would be a punch in the gut to Voldemort's memory to have the reopening on the anniversary of the battle.

Everyone clapped as Headmistress McGonnagall announced the opening. A small young wizard jumped up and down, stopping only to hug his young sister to his chest. He was seemingly very excited about the return of Hogwarts.

"Students of 11 to 17 years of age, please come into the newly built great hall. It has been a long year, those of you who know your houses, please sit at your respective table as we begin the sorting of all the first and would-be second years." There was shuffling as everyone made their way to their tables. George and you stood near Gryffindor.

"We will choose whom to be sorted first by alphabetical order and age. Starting with Emma Aigean."

There was a small pause before the sorting hat shouted, "Ravenclaw!"

The table beside Gryffindor errupted in cheers and the other houses stared jealously at them.

The last people sorted were twins, Winter and William Zalinke. William was sorted first into Ravenclaw and Winter into Hufflepuff. They were reluctant to leave one another but William had already sat at Ravenclaw. So Winter nervously sat at the table beside Ravenclaw.

"Those of you whom will not be staying with us for the rest of the year are now asked to leave, as we will be setting up a protective dome around the school that keeps witches and wizards from apparating into and out of the school." There was a large sigh, parents hugged their children good-bye.


"George?" You asked him once you had apparated back to the burrow.

"Yes Y/n?"

"Where do you want to go someday. Y'know, to live." You asked him.

He looked at you, his brown eyes shining. "You mean it Y/n? You really want to go buy our own place?" He asked.

You nodded. "Of course I do George we have earned enough money after all. I just don't know where." You told him.

"I have an idea." He said.

In the past year, although you still had your moments, George and you had been- for the most part- happy.

You went on dates with him, in the muggle and wizarding world. You helped rebuild Hogwarts every weekend, you'd visit your mother as often as you could, even though the doctors kept trying to reassure you...she was still in the coma. George would only come sometimes, telling you every time to call him if she woke up.

"Take my hand, I have a surprise for you." He said.

You took his hand and he put a temporary blindness charm over you. "Visus Tenebris."

You felt the familiar whoosh of apparition and landed on hard marble with a click.

"Trust me." He said.

He placed a hand on your right shoulder and his other hand interlaced your left as he led you along a straight path.

You felt grass beneath your feet and a little bit of uphill.

George stopped suddenly removing his hands from you to dig around in his magically extended pockets. "George where are we?" You laughed.

"You'll see Y/n." George said and a door clicked. "Okay, Prior Incantato." He said and your vision was filled with brightness.

You were standing right outside of a house on a hill. The house was freshly painted with a blue roof. You didn't recognize it at first but as you glanced around your surroundings you noticed where you were.

It was the Tricky Trio's old headquarters. But the old wreck had been remodeled. "Oh my Merlin! George when did you do this?" You asked.

George smiled at your reaction as you marveled at the lush green grass and the beautiful Whistling Willow. George took out a picture from his pocket. It was what it looked like before.

George had worked hard to make the house livable

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George had worked hard to make the house livable. "Come inside!" He invited excitedly. Inside was even more of a surprise. It was empty. The walls were plain white and the floors were no longer rotting and creaking beneath your feet. You breathed in and smelled fresh wood and paint.

"George it's wonderful. I can't believe you did all of this."

"Yeah, who would've thought the Shrieking Shack could be remodeled eh?" He asked.

"How'd you even buy it?" You asked.

"Well, Madame Rosemerta owned it, you know how she was always particularly fond of us, you especially. So when I told her I wanted to surprise you when you're ready, she was all for it. So...what do you think?" He asked.

"It's amazing, the walls could use some paint though..." George's face lit up.

"Way ahead of you." He ran into the next room and you followed, it was a cute little country style kitchen. It had wooden cabinets and a stove and island already in it. On the ground in the door way were 8 cans of paint. He beamed proudly at you.

"Are we going to paint this?" You asked with a gasp.

George nodded excitedly, "Any way you want."

You picked up a paintbrush and dipped it in red paint. George watched you fascinated as you splattered the wall. "C'mon George, it's no fun without you."

George smiled, setting a music spell with his wand. Then he dipped his brush in purple paint and splattered the wall. You used all the colors, when the wall was close to finished and you were holding a green paintbrush, you got a great idea. You splattered George.

"Oops." You said with a smirk.

"Oh it is on." He said splattering you with pink.

You gasped and giggled picking up a blue with your left hand and started attacking George. Smearing blue all over his face. He spit blue at you and picked up a yellow paint brush and flicked it at you.

You kept coming close and swiping paint on him then quickly backing off. George of course kept missing. Finally, he dropped his paintbrushes to catch both your wrists in your attack. "Hey no fair!" You fake pouted.

George kissed you, getting blue all over your face. Then he slipped the green paintbrush out of your hand and smeared it all over your face. "Hey!" You laughed. Then you looked at the floor. "Good thing the floor is wooden." You said. "And not carpet."

"We could replace the floors..." He offered.

"No! I like it." You exclaimed and George kissed you again.

A/n I am so sorry I haven't updated in forever, i was mostly on my other account @thestuckinabook if you'd like to check it out! Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I will hopefully be updating much more.

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