Meant To Be A Weasley

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You were so drousy, George carried you up the stairs into Fred's bed and layed you down, where you fell asleep immediately. The dream you had was wack.

Fred touched your face gently before letting it fall. He looked away and it felt strangely familiar. Then an explosion came out of nowhere and Fred laughed as he fell through the air.

Then you saw your muggle father lying dead on the floor, eyes open, your mother cradling his head, pleading for someone to kill her. But whoever's viewpoint you were in just laughed and shook there head, shouting the torturing curse at her and she fell to the ground writhing. You wanted to scream, shout, reach out to her, but you couldn't. You were trapped in the body of the laughing man.

Suddenly you were somewhere else again. In a glade somewhere. You could see a figure that looked transparent, but not at the same time. You could move yourself this time and saw that the figure was Fred. You gasped loudly but he didn't hear. You moved forward to touch him but he didn't feel you. You thought he wouldn't feel you so you slapped him and a stinging on your own cheek started. Why was your cheek hurting when you slapped Fred? Fred paced around as if waiting for something. He looked worried. Then he sat down on a cement bench and ran his hands through his hair. You sat beside him and ran fingers through his hair, you could feel it and it felt like his hair, a little knotty but still soft somehow. You smiled at the feeling, but he didn't feel it, didn't acknowledge your presence. Suddenly he sat bolt upright and looked directly at you. You stared back at him, hoping he'd see you and hug you. His hand twitched and he brought it up to right where your face was, then let it drop and sighed.

Then Percy was there, he seemed concentrated but he seemed to have cracked a joke because Fred looked at him in awe as the scenery changed to Hogwarts in rubble with green, red, purple, blue, and yellow flashes everywhere. You couldn't hear anything though. Fred cracked up and turned his attention to Percy who was glancing around him, as if to make sure no one was attacking. Then he seemed to see someone behind Fred. His eyes widened and he was about to call to his brother when everything around you exploded and you heard a creak and a choked sob.

You jolted awake, glancing over at George. He was sleeping back to you in his own bed. You checked the clock, 2:42 a.m. You groaned and headed to the bathroom for water. Percy and Charlie's door was open a crack. Light was flowing out from the crevice. You bit your lip, cursing your curiosity and pushed open the door.

Percy was sitting on his bed, head in his hands, crying silently. Charlie was no where to be seen. You sat beside him silently and lightly. You rubbed his back. He gave a little shiver, peeking out at you from between his fingers. Then he closed them again and tried overcoming his sobs. Hiding his face so you couldn't see it. You just kept rubbing his back, he gave an extremely dramatic sob. Then turned to you pulling his hands away from his face. The pinkness of it clashed horribly with his dark red curls and his brown eyes puffy and wet from crying.

"I'm sorry for waking you Y/n." His voice was raspy and a little beat down. You gave a sad twitch of a smile.

"You didn't wake me." You assured him, still rubbing his back. It was strange to be rubbing his back when he was a few years older than you. But you didn't mind. Everyone needs it once in a while.

"Dreams?" He asked you. You nodded. "Me too." He whispered looking down. "The same one...every time." He put extra force on the last two words, squeezing his eyes shut. You said nothing, just continued stroking him. "It's a replay. A replay of how..." He trailed off, but you knew what he was thinking. A replay of Fred's death. "And every time there's a different way of how I could've helped him. But I didn't." His hands were balled into tight white fists.
You took his hands in yours and opened them. There were nail marks in several places as well as blisters. You traced your thumbs on the lines. He smiled a little. When you stopped he pulled you into a hug and you just stayed there in his arms. It was strange to be in someone else's arms that wasn't Fred or George's, but you didn't think about it too hard. Percy was like a brother to you.

Someone pushed open the creaky door to reveal a beautiful girl. She had curly brown hair that lay loose around her shoulders. Her grey eyes reflected nothing but sorrow. You pulled away from Percy and stood up. Approaching the girl thoughtfully, she already had worry lines creasing on her face. You squeezed her upper arm. It was Audrey Walker. Percy's closest work partner. Word had it, she had been working to restore the ministry. Once you left you turned around to see Audrey run into Percy's arms and kiss him forcefully. "I'm sorry." You heard her whisper. And Percy just shook his head and kissed her neck softly. You smiled a little, closing the broken door on them and heading back to Fred and George's room.

You crawled into George's bed with him and he turned to face you, so close you could feel his hot breath on your face. "Hey baby, where'd you go?" He asked.

"Just comforting a..." You couldn't decide what to call Percy. "A brother." You finished after some hesitation. You could feel George's smile in the dark.

He kissed your forehead. "Freddie was right, you are perfect." You smiled. Your heart swelling with love for the whole family. Then you wrapped your arms around George's neck and fell into a dreamless sleep in his arms.

A/n, in case you didn't get the memo, you're a half-blood. Your mum's a witch and dad's a muggle rather alike Seamus Finnigan.

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