Back to the Burrow

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You closed up shop at seven p.m. You took George's arm and went for a stroll in the dark streets of Diagon Alley. The sun was just setting and it had rained early in the day, so the streets were wet and gave off the lovely smell of rain. 

"I loved your surprised Georgie!" You said, leaning into him.

"But...." He said, expecting it. 

"What does it have to do with finding a place to live?" You asked him. 

"Everything. I was thinking that we could get a place, after making enough money of course, some where around here. Or we could build off of Weasley's Wizard Wheezes and make the second floor into a house. I mean there's already a bathroom. But if you don't like any of those ideas we could always just apparate here every day. Or we could live in the Leaky Cauldron, but I don't like that very much." 

You stopped his endless rambling with a kiss on the corner of his mouth. "Georgie, I love all of those ideas. I think we should stay in the Leaky Cauldron until we make enough money to buy a space here." 

He smiled at you and kissed your forehead gently as the sky began to sprinkle. As if crying tears of joy for yours and George's sake. 


A month later, George and you had been living in the Leaky Cauldron together and scraping together quite a bit of money from the Joke Shop, of course you knew that the real crowd would come in August when all the kids were going to get their supplies for school. 

Hogwarts had been open over summer for those that needed it because of the battle and the delay on the school year the year before. You were sure that Headmistress McGonnagall was over worked, but you knew that being the capable woman she was-she would do just fine. 

You and George were hanging out in the shop when a bell chimed, indicating that someone had just entered. 

"C'mon Georgie! Sounds like we got ourselves a customer." You said, pinning your name tag on. 

The people waiting at the counter happened to be Bill and Fleur Weasley. 

"Hey Bill. Fleur." You acknowledged the part veela with a nod. 

"Hello Y/n, George." Bill said. 

"Do you have any business with us?" You asked. 

"Yes of course." Fleur still had a strong French accent but her English was getting much better. 

"And that would be..." You led. 

"We-er. Found a headstone for Fred and we wanted the consent of his most loved ones." Bill said, his voice failing more and more as the sentence ended. 

You swallowed hard and looked up at George. "Alright, where will we be going?" 

"Charlie said he had a place." Bill answered and Fleur nodded along. 

"Yes, Charlie." She had always struggled to pronounce the second eldest brother's name. 

"I know where." George said. 

"Back to the burrow we go." Bill told us and we stepped outside the shop to apparate.


George's pov

"Georgie if you cry when you see this, I swear I'll come back to Earth and slap you." Fred spoke in my ear. 

"That would be the best thing ever." I told him. 

Y/n looked at me quizzically. "What would be the best thing ever?" 

"Er-if Charlie chose the place that I think he chose." I said, putting on a genuine smile. 

She gave me a weird look, but Freddie and I were first class liars. 

"You better watch yourself." Fred told me and I could tell he was laughing. 


Charlie led the family to the secret glen. He had already moved Fred's casket here. It was lucky that Fred was inside, otherwise, I probably would've cried and so would Y/n. I could tell that she was trying not to. 

I touched her face gently and she looked up at me with shining e/c eyes. "Don't you cry now. I know for a fact Freddie doesn't want us to." I winked at her and she gave me a brave smile. 

"Here it is." Charlie said, indicating the already six foot deep plot and a headstone that read, 

Fredrick Fabian Weasley, April 1st, 1978-May 2nd 1998. 20 years. Last words; "You're joking Perce! You're actually joking, I don't think I've heard you joke since you were~" He died as he wanted to-laughing. 

Above all this, there was one word: Mischief. 

Charlie went to whisper in my good ear, "I was thinking that when you joined him. We would put you with a headstone beside him that said 'Managed'." He said and I heard the excited tone of his voice. 

I looked back at Y/n, "What about her?" I asked him. 

He looked at me strangely, "What do you mean? You aren't engaged to her are you?" He asked as Y/n went over to Bill and Fleur. 

"No. But I doubt we'll ever break up." I said, watching her through loving eyes.

"Alright, how about whoever goes first. The other's can say something like 'Always up to no good.'" He said and I nodded, shaking his hand. 

He had a long burn mark up his arm and he squeezed my hand roughly in his calloused ones. He was very freckled and was the same height as me, alright maybe a little taller. 

Fred was buried and we had a small solemn funeral for him. I tried my best to keep it together, but Fred whispering in my ear the whole time wasn't helping. 

I'd never see my double again. Never get to make mischief with him. I'm falling in love with his girl. I'm running our shop without him. In a way, it feels good. But it also feels wrong. 

But he would want it this way. Isn't that what they all say? Except, I can hear his voice. I can know what he wants.

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