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Diagon Alley was a wreck. Even magic couldn't fix it fast enough. There were a few people trying to rebuild. But you knew Diagon Alley would never be the same. For one thing, Ollivander's was utterly destroyed, there was no way that all those carefully made wands could just be fixed up. Walking through, you were glad you had George's hand laced with yours to stabilize you. The ground was littered with broken stones and blood stains. At the very end, a shop that you knew very well no longer sparked with the magic it had held as a symbol of hope during the war. 

It was Weasley's Wizard Wheezes. Ash was clouding the sky, burning your lungs and filling your nose with fire. But you didn't pretend that that was the reason your eyes had teared up.

You didn't dare look up at George when he pulled you into him. You buried your face in his chest and cried silently, feeling him shake and hold you tightly to him.

The wind whistled and feet were shuffling on the ground, brooms were sweeping and the occasional spell was being cast. You ignored it all, engulfed in George's arms. You knew you'd have to face the shop one day. 

But you weren't quite strong enough yet. "Let's go George." You said. 

George nodded into your neck and you apparated back to the Weasley's. 


"You two are back early." Mrs. Weasley greeted us. We'd made sure to dry our tears and look alright before we got back. 

But you couldn't disguise your voice to sound as light and carefree as it had before. "Yeah, we are." You answered sounding like an unmotivated teenager. 

Mrs. Weasley frowned with concern. "How's your mom?" She asked. 

"She's in a coma." You told her in a whispered voice you were surprised she heard. 

"Come here child." She said, engulfing you in a hug. Molly always gave the best hugs. They were always filled with warm motherly love. 

She smelled of tea and dust. "Maybe you need something to take your mind off of everything." 

You nodded. "I'd hate to put you to work, but I know that's what helps most of us. Of course, it just makes Ron, Arthur, and the twins complain but..." Her voice trailed off into a broken whisper, "Other than that, it helps." 

You pursed your lips, trying not to cry anymore. "Yeah. What do you need me to do?" You asked. 

"I hear that Hogwarts is being rebuilt. Perhaps the two of you would like to help."

You smiled. Making Hogwarts possible once again for future witches and wizards seemed like a wonderful idea. 

Most of them were transferring to Ilvermorny because of the retched state Hogwarts was in, others were being home-schooled and you could only imagine what might happen to the muggle-born children. 


You took George's hand and he apparated the two of you to the ruins of Hogwarts. 

Due to the power of magic and the many people that were helping, it was half built already, but it would be rather hard to restore the school to its former glory. 

The sight of all the people helping lifted your spirits. "George? Y/n?" Someone called, you turned in the direction of the voice. 

You saw a familiar face squinting at you from a distance. "Lee Jordan?" You asked. 

"George! Y/n!" He yelled excitedly and you smiled. 

"George, it's Lee!" But George had picked something up off the ground. It seemed only to be a dusty hat, but you knew from the rip near the brim that this was indeed, the Sorting Hat. 

"I've always wanted to do this again!" George said and fitted the hat on his head. 

"Still a Gryffindor Weasley." The sorting hat said almost immediately. 

George rolled his eyes, handing you the hat, "Wanna try it Y/n?" He asked. 

When you'd tried the sorting hat on the first time, it had told you that you were most definitely a Ravenclaw, but you fought against it, wanting to be in the same house as George and Fred. Finally for your own stubbornness, it put you in Gryffindor. 

You fitted it on your head once again. "Ah, Y/n L/n. I've spent some long nights pondering your sorting. But you were correct, you were clouded with knowledge and I didn't then expect your bravery and nerve. Now I see I was wrong. You are a Gryffindor to the core." It spoke.

Once it finished, Lee had made his way to you. "Ay! Didn't think I'd see either of you two here." He tried to seem upbeat, but judging by the look on his face, he knew about Fred. "Come have a look, we just finished up the dungeons."

George clapped Lee on the back and you shook his hand. "It's River by the way. Remember, from Potterwatch?" Lee asked. 

Then you followed Lee to the right, where he had come from.

A/n; So the song above I think really represents George and the Reader. Tell me what you think. I just had to add in that Lee's "code name" was River, because it's the same as my real name! Haha. 

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