Chapter One: Time To Pick Up A Bish

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I was gonna make this a one shot but I decided to go with an actual book. I swear I am going to force the ideas out of me.
Ryūnosuke Akutagawa, The Silent Rabid Dog, Cloaked Hellhound, and most recently, Diablo. These are only a few of his names but even with these three, one could easily tell that he's not really the caring type.

So could someone please slap this boy upside his head and ask him why the hell he was not only interested but in love with a complete outsider to the port mafia.

Yes indeed, the ever so stoic Akutagawa was hopelessly in love with a regular (h/c) haired girl named (y/n) who he'd met on the way back from a mission. On the night she'd found him, he was fairly injured and practically staggering down the street.

So being the kind person she was, the young woman brought him to her apartment, patched him up and let him go on his merry way. A small smile pulled at the handsome man's face as the fond memory came back to light. However, it fell when he turned around to see a smirking Chuuya.

"What?" He growled, silently praying he hadn't been caught.

"You smiled."


"I'm free for another half an hour. Do you need help with this girl?" 'I'm practically the devil, of course my prayer wouldn't be answered.' He sighed placing a hand on his hip in reluctant submissivity. (Not a word)

"What do I do?"

Somehow, within that half an hour, Chuuya managed to help Akutagawa not be so awkward and they even managed to go to the store and get a bouquet of flowers along with a simple necklace in case she was allergic.

With a small breath, the man knocked on his interest's door, slightly tightening his grip on the simple gifts he'd gotten for her.

"I'm coming." After a few suspenseful minutes, the door creaked open and out peaked (y/n)'s head.

"Oh, it's you!" Her smile slightly faded when she saw the gifts and he winced at the sudden irritation.

"Those are for my sister right? I didn't think you would've known her."


"Well aren't those gifts for her?" He shook his head, confused by the whole situation. "Well, there isn't any other girl in this house so you can go." She mumbled going to close the door but it was stopped by his foot and the oddly shy murderer pushed the gifts out.

"F-for you."

"Those? For me?" He nodded making the two of them blush as she let him in. He took in the house taking in its pristine condition until (Y/n) motioned him to follow and he did.  Once they reached a creaky wooden door, she pushed it open to reveal a very old room with a few nails sticking up from the wooden floor, a small yellow mattress and white walls that seemed to have been peeling for ages.

"You live here?"

"Yeah, since my sister's older she calls the shots. I can't really move out yet since I'm still in college and this place has already been paid off." A nervous laugh escaped her and she happily took the gifts, setting the flowers in a nearby vase which she set on the dusty windowsill.

"You can sit on the mattress if you'd like. I mean if you haven't killed me yet then how much harm could you mean."

"You know me. Why didn't you leave me to walk?"

"Because I know how it feels to be cold, alone and ignored." Almost as soon as these words left her mouth she found herself engulfed my Akutagawa's kiss as he slowly pushed her against the mattress.

"You're coming with me."

"I don't even know you."

"But you let me into your bedroom." He deadpanned and (y/n) nodded until she recognized something.

"But I don't have an ability and I can't kill like you do."

"We can figure out the details later but someone's unlocking the door." Just as he said this, the sound of footsteps and flirty giggles filled the living room and a slamming door was heard. The (h/c)-ette underneath him winced, habitually preparing herself for yet another sleepless night.

"You're not staying here." Reminded the noir haired man, getting off so that she could pack. Something in him genuinely ached for her as he imagined what she probably went through every day.

He wanted to help her and hold her but to this very moment, he didn't understand why. Even though it was obvious to even Chuuya, Akutagawa just couldn't see himself in love. Noticing his subconscious staring, (y/n) looked to him with a slight smile.

"Thank you for this." He barely spared her a nod as a loud moan escaped the other room.

"We're leaving out the window."

"What?" She barely got a word out before her window opened and they were jumping out the seven-story apartment.

Yes ik he's ooc but it will all be explained in the next chapter so hold yo'self

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