Chapter 5: Awe he's being nice

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Sometime during the cuddle session (y/n) must've fallen asleep because once she woke up, Akutagawa was gone and her body was neatly tucked under the sheets. A small pout crossed her lips but it quickly faded when she noticed something. 'He never said I couldn't leave the room.'

Quickly pulling on her pants, the childish lady adjusted her outfit and left the room to go looking for people.
Surprising her, only a few minutes passed before an oddly handsome man suddenly popped in front of her.

He had long orange hair, striking blue eyes, and his face, which was a bit rounder than Akutagawa's, was partially shadowed by a fedora.

"What's your name, Mr. Magician?" She asked, already telling the man who she probably was.

"It's Chuuya. You're Akutagawa's girlfriend, aren't you?"

"Oh, you make jokes too? Tell me another, Mr. Magician." The ginger's eye twitched but he took a breath and leaned down since (y/n) was a bit shorter than him.

"I'm not. A magician."


"You're fine. It was only once."

"You look more like a clown who decided he wanted to go emo."

"What!?" While (y/n) was not normally the athletic type, when her ass was on the line, she turned into the female version of Usain Bolt. Almost instantly, she was sprinting down the hall while Chuuya chased after her yelling insults and threats.

Once she was safe, the (h/c) haired girl slowed down and allowed herself to catch her breath. 'He's fun to piss off.' Remembering the tick mark on his head, she laughed. 'Definitely fun.'

(y/n) continued to walk until she found herself face to face with a huge mahogany door.

Knowing the Port Mafia, anything could be in there from gold to weapons. Hell, this could be the room where they kept their huge pet monster in . Curiosity promptly filled her veins as she fought herself not to open the door. But that's when it happened.

"Are you coming in or not?" A smooth voice echoed from within the room making a shiver ran up her spine. She took a step back."Don't be shy. Akutagawa said a lot about you."

(y/n)'s whole body stiffened from his words. This man knew exactly who she was and there was not a single camera in sight. With stiff movements, the young woman pushed open the door only to catch sight of a tall man with dark hair and red eyes staring oddly at her from behind his desk.

At first when she saw him the only thing that she could compare him to, was one of those creepily attractive guys but then she took a closer look and jumped back in both disgust and fear. 'He's super old! And there's a little girl on his.....'

"Hello, I'll be your boss from here on out." 'He's a pedo.'

"I-it's a pleasure to meet you." Mumbled the woman. Obviously, this man was not someone she wanted to work for but she was weak and had nowhere to go so leaving wasn't an option.

They stood there for a silent three minutes until a dark cloak passed by her with an authoritative air. Almost instantly she was behind it, gripping the owner's waist as if he were her shield.

Akutagawa didn't respond and reported whatever info he'd found out then walked out the room with his companion following close behind.

"What did he call you for?"

"I was wandering around and found his door."

"Did you meet anyone else?"

"There was this guy named Chuuya. But I pissed him off." The only thing she got was a slightly amused look before he opened the door to their room and ushered her in.

"Put something normal on."

"Why?" The noir didn't answer and laid down on the bed with an arm behind his head. (y/n) huffed but still went along with it, throwing a simple black shirt over her red sports bra.

"How's this?" He raised a brow a bit surprised that she was able to just find something instead of tearing the room apart. Women did do that right?

Deciding not to dwell on it, he dragged her out the room and out the base's front door, towards their destination. Throughout the walk, no words were shared which was kind of odd for the two of them. However, some say comfortable silence is a lot better than pointless conversation so maybe that was the case.

After a bit, Akutagawa took the (h/c)-ette's hand in his, making her gasp and look up. Somehow, without her noticing, they'd made it to the top of a building that gave the perfect view of Yokohama City.

Her beautiful (e/c) eyes widened at the sight and she looked to Akutagawa. He met her gaze but soon turned away with yet another blush as the evening sun slowly went down.

"Akutagawa it's pretty! Tha-"

"Don't thank me. Not yet." He sat down hanging his legs from the edge of the building as (y/n) continued to jump around like a five-year-old. The noir at her foot just watched.

She was definitely something else and that was only one of the things he adored about her. Out of all the weird feelings he'd been getting around the woman, the only one that was clear to him was adoration.

Finally, the sun had set and the city was bright with lights, highlighting the water around it. (Y/n) stumbled at the sight, completely awestruck. How had she never seen this before?

Plopping onto the ground, she leaned onto Akutagawa's shoulder only to flinch away. He looked at her raising one of his practically non-existent brows questioningly.

"Y-you're warm."

"You expected me to be cold?"

"With that personality, I'm sure anyone would." He returned to looking at the city and she went back to lean on his shoulder. She could easily feel his body stiffen under her making a laugh leave her lips.

"It's not like I'm going to hurt you or anything. Relax." His only response was a grunt and they just sat there in silence, taking in the city lights.

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