Chapter 15: The Next Day.

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To be completely honest... I find him so hot.

After she was dressed and ready, (y/n) walked out of the dark bedroom to see Akutagawa standing there with the cravat and pendant in his hands. With timid movements, he placed them in hers and lifted his head a bit to give better access. The sight of its pristine condition made her lips turn upwards.

"I didn't think you'd actually refuse to wear it."

"Don't mock me."

"I won't," The Noir slightly calmed from her words but his irritation returned when she finished her sentence. "I'll only tease you about it for the rest of your life."

In an attempt to scold her, he went to speak only to have a kiss sent to his lower jaw. His eyes widened while he just stood there trying to process it all. (Y/n) noticed this and smiled up at him brightly.

"Do I...give you one too?"

"If you want but you don't-" (y/n) paused at the feeling of soft lips touching her cheek. The kiss barely brushed against her cheek but despite that, it sent heat through her body and shivers up her spine.

In all it's simplicity, the delicate gesture still managed to convey the fact that she was special to him while somehow describing his need for her. It was...perfect

Not knowing what to say, the couple didn't talk throughout their journey, however, everyone who passed the two could clearly see that they were an item. What gave it away?  The fact that they walked too close, they snuck tiny glances at one another and Akutagawa practically radiated contentment. When they finally came to ogai's office, (y/n) gripped her companion's cloak.

"There's something very wrong with that man. Don't let him touch me." He could barely reply before that dreaded voice echoed from behind them.

"Oh? Could you two be ready for your mission placements already?"

"Akutagawa." Muttered the girl, moving closer behind him.

"What is our task?"

"Nothing difficult. I have a meeting to attend and want little (y/n) to accompany me."

"Can Akutagawa come?"

"No. Oh, look at the time. It looks like we'll have to go from now. Come on, pet." The young woman glared at her boss obviously irritated by the nickname. But behind the fury was a trembling fear.

If there was one person she was terrified of, it'd definitely be Ogai. He was strong, smart and manipulative in all the wrong ways making him a dangerous opponent. Should it please him, this man could kill her in a sea of people and make it look like an accident and that's what scared her most.

Lost in the idea, (y/n) didn't notice the brune calling after her until he was menacingly standing in front of her. 

"Don't make me punish you. It would be most inconvenient."


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