Chapter 6: Improvements

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After that, not only did the two get closer but (y/n)'s promising talent was honed to perfection in the span of a month. By now she was able to use almost every gun ranging from a simple pistol to a high tech sniper with great precision.

Then to top it, she got very popular around the base for not only her talent but her surprisingly kind personality. Almost everyone knew and enjoyed her company, the only person against her fame being Chuuya.

Akutagawa had also grown a bit, finally recognizing his feelings towards the (h/c)-haired woman. However, he never spoke on it in fear of losing her company. This was yet another thing that confused him. Fear.

Just think about it. He faces death almost every day of his life but he's afraid of ruining his relationship with some girl. It honestly doesn't make any sense but then again, neither does he.

Anyway! After one specifically busy day, (y/n) instantly went back to base and tiredly stumbled into their room.

"Akutagawa?" A low hum could be heard in response. She blindly tried to make her way towards the bed but She could barely take two stable steps before she tripped forward and landed into her companion's standing form.

The noir reflexively caught her, scowling a bit.

"What hurt you?"

"This guy got to my leg before I could shoot him. There was another who cut me in a few places." He lay her on the bed, pulling off her pants and violet shirt to tend to her wounds.

"I told you not to sleep before you left." He harshly wrapped a bandage around her leg making the wounded woman wince.

"I know but you don't have to be so mean about it." He mumbled a small 'idiot' and finished cleaning her up before helping her under the sheets. Noticing he wasn't laying with her (y/n) tilted her head against the pillows staring up ay him with curious (e/c) irises.

"Aren't you going to sleep?" The noir glanced at her as she painfully sat up.

"If your wounds re-open, I'm not cleaning them again."

"Then, get over here. I-i don't like to be alone when I'm hurt." She could barely Finish her sentence before Akutagawa had hung up his jacket and climbed in next to her.

"You are such a child." Was all he said before curling up against her side and falling asleep in her warmth.


Whe he woke up the next morning, Akutagawa found himself alone, with (y/n) nowhere in sight. He looked to the time and saw that it was only 4 in the morning making him even more curious of her whereabouts.

Slowly he grabbed his coat, slipped it over him and walked out the door, not bothering to fix his slightly disheveled hair. As he walked down the hall, the only sound that could be heard was the clicking of his shoes against the cold tile only adding to the eerie mood of the walkway.

Soon enough, he came upon the boss's door that was slightly creaked open. The noir didn't bother peaking but did listen in on the conversation happening inside.

"So am I allowed?" (Y/n) questioned, a bit sick of ogai's presence.

"You've only known him for a month. It's a bit odd for you to be so eager about this."

"Eh, he's misunderstood and lonely. I see no problem in making him feel cared about, for just a day." A thoughtful hum echoed from his chest and he granted his permission to do whatever it was she'd planned. (Y/n) only gave a small nod as a response and walked out the room leaving her boss to revel in her obvious distaste for him.

Almost as soon as she saw Akutagawa leaning against the wall, she laughed at his appearance. His black/grey hair was cutely disheveled while his coat was undone. Obviously, he'd just woken up giving her a sense of relief and an odd feeling at the thought of him looking for her.

"You didn't tell me you had a meeting."

"I never knew I had to." He glared, but said nothing more and yanked her behind him while he walked to the room. "Hey! That hurts."

"I want to sleep."

"Then do it by yourself, but don't just grab me like I'm your Teddy bear or something." A groan escaped the noir.

"We're off today and I'm tired. You're spending the day in bed."

"Since when do you cherish my rest?"

"This is for me, not you." The (h/c)-ette went quiet and mulled over the words of her companion. Something like that was beyond shocking coming from him but as of late he had been doing some pretty weird things.

An example being just the other day when they were talking to Motojiro about a mission. As the group discussed their plans there was no tension between them, however, as soon as the brune pulled her in for a parting hug, Akutagawa snapped at him and dragged her away.

While it seemed obvious to most, (y/n) didn't dare acknowledge the idea of him loving her. The noir muttered something under his breath forcing her to look up at him in curiosity. When he noticed her stare, he sighed and shrugged off his coat.

The (h/c)-ette nodded, changing back into her night clothes before asking the only question that came to her mind.

"Since when do you sleep?"

"Get in bed." She gave a slight huff but followed the order anyway allowing Akutagawa to snuggle up next to her as he did the night before.

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