Chapter 2: You Live Here

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(Y/n) gasped for air as she followed after her companion, adjusting the small pack on her back.

"If you're taking me all this way to kill me then you might as well do it now." Akutagawa briefly glanced at her yanking her forward so that she held onto his arm.

"You're weak. But we'll fix that too." Those were the only words that were shared between them until they reached the base where he gruffly told her to stay still while he dealt with business.

What felt like an hour passed before the (h/c)-ette was pulled into a chest while a knife pressed against her neck.

"You need something?"

"Who are you? Why are you here?"

"I'm (y/n) (l/n). And as for why I'm here, the reason is right...there." She pointed out a certain cloaked man making the person at her back flee.

"Did you run into anyone?" Grunted the noir as he motioned for her to follow him.

"There was this one person but they seemed tame enough." Her escort didn't bother pushing the subject and lead her towards a simple but comfy room. It was painted blue and had one window, a queen-sized mattress along with a mahogany dresser that sat next to a closet.

(Y/n) looked at him curiously.

"This looks too much like somewhere you would stay."

"It's my room and you're staying here.  According to the boss, until you get stronger you need to be watched by someone."

"But you're a guy."

"Are you going to take the room or not?" He snapped, irritated with her constant questioning. At this, a huff left her lips making Akutagawa subconsciously think back to the kiss and lick his own.

"Did you just-"

"Shut up and unpack!" The young woman quickly followed the order and began to hang up and fold the few clothes she'd brought with her. 'This is what I get for being desperate to leave home.'

As she continued working she found herself thinking back to a few hours ago when he'd "kidnapped" her. It was weird how he'd approached her but even weirder that he kissed her.  Was that a normal thing in the port?

The (h/c)-ette allowed herself to glance at her companion, taking note of his appearance. Sure he was handsome but he was also wanted, killed for a living, and had quite the temper on him.

'If we get along well then he might be a really good friend.' Satisfied with this she put away the last shirt and walked up to him with her hands respectfully behind her back.

"Anything else you'd like me to do?"

"Get ready and go to bed. The shower is through that door. Don't turn the knob higher than warm and when I come back, you better be asleep." She nodded at his every word taking each into consideration until he finally left. 

"Don't turn the knob higher than warm, my ass." (Y/n) grumbled as she slipped out of her blue jeans and shorts before folding them up and pushing open the bathroom door. Instantly her eyes widened at the sight of pristine dual sinks and a beautiful shower that stood inside a glass stall.

A giggle escaped her and she instantly turned the water on hot. Not even seconds after she jumped in, her thigh was seared with the water forcing her back out. Reluctantly she looked down at her leg to see a harsh burn that could have been second degree lining from her hip to the middle of her thigh.

Deciding not to dwell on the shape, she quickly put the water on cold and tended to the wound using the first aid kit she'd found underneath the sink.

As soon as he'd walked into the room,  Akutagawa could already tell something had gone wrong. Anger flooded through him as he saw (y/n)'s bandaged leg peeking from underneath the violet-hued sheets.

"I told you not to put the water higher than warm!"

"Yeah yeah, I know."

"Then why would you do something so stupid?!"

"Maybe because you didn't give me a reason not to." He groaned, throwing the sheets off her body to pull to her the edge of the bed by her wounded leg. A pained scream left her and she went to slap him only to have her hand caught by his.

"Don't piss me off any more than you already have."

"Then don't pull me by the leg like that!  What are you trying to do?  Tear it from its socket?!"

"Just let me see it." His voice lowered menacingly and he grabbed her waist to pull her down instead. Once the woman was where he wanted her, he pushed the fabric of her night shorts up so that he could unwrap the bandage and analyze the wound.

"It's going to leave a scar, but you'll be fine." His hand slid across her leg comfortingly before he wrapped it with a new bandage and began to shrug off his coat. "If someone comes in, kill them yourself. I'm going to take a shower."

"Whatever. Goodnight." A grunt was his only reply as he closed the bathroom door.

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