chapter 23: Let's Get It

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Early the next morning, the pitchy tone of Akutagawa's phone boomed throughout the room. He groaned in irritation as he fished around for the little device while (Y/n) sighed. When he finally answered it, the voice on the other side was more unpleasant than the call itself.


"I need you and your little pet to come to my office now." Mori's sickly sweet tone sent visible shivers up the (h/c)-ette's spine.

"We're on our way." Satisfied with the answer, the other man hung up just before she groaned in irritation.

"I can't believe that man. One day I'm just going to take my gun and pistol-whip him. If anything I'd be doing the world a favor." Akutagawa chuckled as he got out of bed.

"You can do that later. Right now it's time to bathe."

"Can I bathe with you?" He didn't even bat an eye to the question too focused on getting her outfit ready.

"You can start, I'll be there in a few."

"Alright." Once they'd finished getting dressed, they each took turns drying one another's hair and made their way to the devil's lair.

"Don't you two look cute holding hands." Taunted Mori, moving from behind his desk to get a closer look. "A pure-hearted woman and a pessimistic mafia dog, I would have never seen it coming." (Y/n) huffed and he took her chin between his thumb and index finger. His hands were surprisingly soft. "You're so lucky that I love how much you hate me. Akutagawa, you're aware of the American trying to level the city, right?" He still didn't look away from the woman savoring her utter hatred.


"Well, I need you to take care of him. He's riding a whale in the sky so you'll have to find some way to get up there. Make sure to be snappy about it. We wouldn't want your little princess here to wait too long."

"Wait so why did you call me?" Intervened (y/n). She was beyond irritated and needed a reason for him to let her go which he finally did.

"No reason, I just like seeing a nice girl as you pissed beyond belief." It took every bone in the woman's body not to launch at the brune. "Now run along. That man isn't going to kill himself."

Seeing that they were dismissed, the couple left the room and (y/n) flung her arms around Akutagawa's neck, nearly catching him off guard.

"Be careful when you fight him. He's definitely a force to be reckoned with." She mumbled giving the man an Eskimo kiss that set his cheeks a flame. 

"I'll be fine."

"I know but after the coma incident..."

"Do you think I'm strong, (y/n)?" Akutagawa let his deep grey eyes gaze into hers as he waited for her reply.

"Yes, of course, I do. You've proved that so many times."

"Then expect me back by nightfall."


"You're making this more emotional than it is. I'll be fine and so will you."

"...i don't know if I should be offended or reassured."

"Neither do I. Anyway, I'll see you tonight." (Y/n) nodded sending him off with a kiss for luck.

"You better keep your promise."

"I will." With those words lingering in the air, he left the base and his heart rushed with excitement.

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