Chapter 16: Mystery Solved

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I love Dazai but we all know he did Akutagawa dirty.

Ogai didn't say a word as he, (y/n) and a few other members made their way to the city park that didn't mean wasn't watching her. His deep umber eyes refused to leave her form causing every step and breath she took to practically suffocate the girl until finally, she spoke on it.

"Boss? Did I do something?"

"Actually you did." Her fearful gasp caught in her throat.

"May I ask what that was?"

"I'll tell you once this little meet up is finished." Just as those words left the man's lips, a deep authoritative voice intervened from in front of them. The young woman let her gaze wander towards it only to be shocked with the sight of a tall man with long grey hair, a plain robe and a sword at his hip. He seemed to be about Ogai's age but his aura was much purer. 'Definitely the leader.'

The brune at her side noticed her suddenly relaxed state and smiled to himself, however, the insult shot at him by Fukuzawa quickly made it fall.

For the rest of the meeting (y/n) spent most of her time staring at the park wildlife until her boss called out to a man named Dazai. From their conversation, (y/n) could tell that he used to be part of the port, however, something in her just couldn't leave the story at that.

Akutagawa had mentioned this man in many of his countless rage bouts and this man was the only one who could possibly match the description of him. Almost as if her mouth had a mind of its own, she blurted out a question she probably shouldn't have.

"What was your connection with Ryūnosuke Akutagawa?" Dazai's eyes slightly widened at her sudden outburst while the other ADA members gave her an unsettling glare. She didn't bother paying attention to this though and took in his wrapped arms and neck. 'What happened there?'

"Such a bold little gun woman you are." Hummed Ogai but he didn't bother scolding her since the question did him no harm.

"Gun woman? Could you be new?" The handsome brune went to step closer but (y/n) promptly put up a halting hand.

"You're screwed in the head and could easily rival Ogai."

"Og really?"

"Yes, now answer the damn question because I don't have time for this.

"You could start a war for that you know? Insulting me."

"You're boss doesn't care so I see no reason to calm myself." Dazai allowed his devious smile to fade as his hand ignorantly rested on his hip

"To answer your question, I trained him when I was still part of the port for a few years or so." At this answer, the Armed Detective Agency went along their way while the young (h/c)-ette just stood there in utter shock. The pieces were quickly coming together and because of this, rage started to fill her veins.

This man, Dazai, was the reason Akutagawa has abandonment issues. He was the reason Akutagawa practically killed himself to get stronger. And he was the one who Akutagawa wouldn't shut up about. He was a huge part of the reason why Akutagawa was so broken and from the looks of it, he didn't give a damn! 'I'm 'bout to beat a bitch's ass and it ain't gonna be pretty.'

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