Chapter 18: Meeting His Only Remaining Family

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After Akutagawa was satisfied with the hug, he took (y/n)'s hand in his and began to make his way down the dark hallway.

"I want you to meet someone." He muttered just barely glancing at her. In response, she moved closer resting her head on his shoulder.

"Can I ask who?"

"You'll figure it out when you meet them." An exasperated sigh left the woman's lips as she glared up at her always stoic lover.

"Will there ever be a day when you're not so grumpy and mysterious?"

"Only when you aren't so annoying and loud."

"I'm hurt." He didn't even grunt. About three more minutes passed with the two comfortably talking before they came upon a figure cloaked in black. Their coat was long and flared while it seemed that a single sleeve had been cut off.

They wore a gray wrapped mouth mask that barely left room for their piercing gray eyes which peaked in between the space of it and the person's handsomely long bang which were parted to the sides.

Sparks of familiarity went off in (y/n)'s mind until finally, she remembered who she was looking at.

"You're the lady who told me that Akutagawa was awake!" Her voice just barely bordered a yell making both Akutagawa and the figure wince in an almost identical manner.

"You are so loud." muttered the woman with an irritated glare. Her soft voice was melodic in the empty hall but that didn't mask the deep irritation of her words.

"Sorry." Everyone stood quietly for a while, silently analyzing one another until The woman took a seat on a nearby table and motioned for (y/n) to do the same.

"You're Akutagawa's girlfriend, right?"

"I-yes." She just barely formed the words, looking over at the man in question for help. He simply shook his head in refusal.

"How old are you?"


"Any past relationships?"

"Not even a friend." The mysterious person scanned over the young woman once more before nodding in approval.

"I'm Gin, he's my elder brother." A look of complete shock and wonder crossed (y/n)'s face making Akutagawa struggle not to smile. Suddenly he found himself almost tackled to the ground by a teary-eyed (h/c)-ette.

He desperately tried to stay up however the suddenness of the gesture made him topple to the ground. Then two of them groaned from the impact while Gin's soft laughter echoed from behind them. "Nice meeting you."

Even though her brother wanted to reply, he was practically buried in his lover's neck due to her powerful hug. Incoherent words were all he could make out while she continued to excitedly kiss and smother him.

Seeing as she wouldn't stop he softly pressed his lips against her collarbone in a soft attempt of comfort. When she pauses in her tracks he took it as the perfect opportunity to lean up to her and gently whisper,

"I can't breathe."

A few seconds later (y/n) awkwardly sat at Akutagawa's side.

"So..." She tried but the vibration in her back pocket made her pause to answer it. "Hello?"

"Hello, (Y/n)?" Atsushi's voice echoed from the phone speaker and into the (h/c)-ette's ear. She hesitantly looked to Akutagawa but he seemed not to have noticed.

"Talk fast."

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