Chapter true love tried to kill me

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"What the hell is this shit?!" (Y/n) gaped at the tiny knife in her hand.

"Attack me."

"And die?! How stupid do you think I am?"

"I gave you an order." An irritated groan escaped the woman's lips but she poised the knife appropriately before rushing at Akutagawa with promising speed. However just as she jumped up to strike a blow, he smoothly flipped her over his shoulder. "Again."

She hopped back up and followed the order, only for the same thing to happen. "Again." Grunts and pained screams echoed throughout the abandoned warehouse while the pair continued to "train" but of all those sounds, not one belonged to the man.

After countless attempts, the inexperienced (h/c)-ette snapped and flicked the dull knife at her companion in irritation. The object flew past his face with only a few centimeters to spare.

Even though he noticed this,  Akutagawa was a bit too entranced by her frustration to care. It was funny to him, cute even, the way her cheeks puffed out while she plopped onto the ground with a childish 'hmpf'.

Without a word, he walked up to her and brushed the hair out of her face so that their eyes could meet. (Y/n) stared up at him, confused by the affectionate glint that briefly flashed through his silvery orbs.

"Have you ever used a gun before?"

"My father taught me a bit when I was younger." Akutagawa pulled a pistol from within his coat and placed it in her hands with a firm grip.

"You're going to start with this."

"Why the sudden, change of weapon?"

"We'll start you with a pistol and work your way up until you can use a variety." He muttered obviously ignoring her question.


Things quickly began to take a turn for the better after the weapon change. Surprising the both them, she was quite skilled with firearms. Sure she wasn't able to do flips or anything like that but it was only a matter of time before then. (Y/n) grinned happily as she stared up at Akutagawa's apathetic expression. He noticed this and looked down at her curiously.

"Why are you staring at me?"

"Well when someone does something good, they usually get praised by their teacher."

"You were only just above average. That is nothing worth being proud of." Her smile slightly dropped.

"But I was awful in the beginning. In such a short amount of time-"

"What matters is ability, not time."   Even though she was a bit disheartened by his words, she couldn't deny that he had a point. Too lost in the thought, (y/n) failed to notice when they reached their room until he told her to take off her pants.

Instantly,  she snapped out of her trance, raising a brow at the noir's always blank face.

"Excuse me?"

"Take off your pants." He repeated somehow unaware of how wrong that sounded.  The (e/c)-eyed woman scowled and pointed out an authoritative finger while her free hand sassily rested against her hip.

"Listen Mr, I happen to be saving my virginity for someone very special."

"Your virginity is not worth my time but that wound is! So take off your pants and let me see it, you simplistic woman!" Surprised by the sudden outburst she flinched. Why was he so damn grumpy? After all, it was only a misunderstanding.

"Don't yell. It's rude and honestly terrifies me." He sighed pushing her onto the bed with care.

"I don't know what goes through your head but I'm not allowed to hurt you unless we're in training or you do something to jeopardize a mission." Without another word, Akutagawa began to remove the garment from her legs, making sure to fold it up before unwrapping the bandages that adorned her leg and hip. 

His cold hand slightly brushed against her soft (s/c) skin as he worked, causing his trainee to look away with a blush.  As he continued to check and clean the wound, (y/n) found herself peaking over every once in a while to check out his handiwork.

It was a bit amazing how good he was at this but I guess you had to be able to do this crap when you're constantly in battle. Slowly her mind drifted to other, more lewd, places and she began wondering what else he could do with those oh so magical hands. 

"Why are you quiet all of a sudden?" The (h/c)-ette's face went tomato red as she stuttered out the first thing to come to mind.

"Uh, you have really nice hands?" The room went silent while the two of them awkwardly stared at each other until he finally got up and sat next to her. With a gentle pull, he guided her head so that it lay across his lap making (Y/n) stare up at him with curiosity.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm petting you." He mumbled as he ran his hands through her hair.

"But why?"

"Because it's calming."

"Aren't you always calm?" She asked, mocking him a bit.

"Shut up. You just happen to upset me easier than most." Deciding that this was an acceptable answer, she turned to her side and nuzzled into his stomach. Sure he was an ass but he wasn't a bad person. Maybe a bit misunderstood but definitely not a bad person.

How she knew this was a mystery but (y/n) found herself quite convinced and took it as a good sign.

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