Chapter 4: Betrayal

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Penny: Yeah I can't even anymore. School is being a bitch to me for no reason. Kids suck. I hate everyone in my grade. We were debating today and I have diagnosed depression, PTSD, and anxiety so it wasn't fun when the topic was suicide and everyone was arguing with me. I had to talk to my teacher afterward and tell him everything about my past and the reasons why I have depression. UGH! This always makes me feel better though.

Annie: Penny, you have me. I'm in your grade!

Penny: I know. It sucks. Annie just smacked me.

Dick P.O.V.

Family or love. That is the decision that I have to make right now. I choose family. "Wally, I love you. I have to go though." I said before shooting him in the leg.

"What the hell!" Wally yelled at me.

"Family comes first." I said before running out of the room. The zeta tube announced my dispatch and I ran to Jason crying. I love Wally but Jason will treat me with respect. Boys like Wally will only stab me in the back. "I'm sorry Jay. It won't happen again." I said looking down.

"I was only worried. It's cause you're my brother. You can be with Wally but it's going to be a bat and cat relationship. You work for me and you can have your fun with him on the side. Got it." 

"Yeah." I said smiling. This was going to be fun.

Wally P.O.V.

"So he said he loved you then shot you. What the fuck is wrong with him?" Artemis asked.

"Family comes first. Jason has cut down on the killing because of Robin. We shouldn't interfere." I said back.

"Wally, your former teammate shot you and that doesn't bring up any concerns?" Kaldur asked confused.

"No, this will pass and Rob will come back to us." I hope.

Kori P.O.V.

I am trying to teach friend Dick how to 'slut' himself up to impress his new friend of boys. This will take some work.

Roy P.O.V.

Jason was sitting on the couch watching Kori try to teach Dick how to flirt while fighting. I started laughing until Dick tripped me and sat down on me. "Who's laughing now?" Dick asked.

"He's such a quick learner." Kori said with her hands clasped together. Dick got up and said he was going to take a shower. That kid will be the death of me. 

Penny: Wish me luck with dem boys. I moved schools to stop the bullying and harassment but I guess it didn't work.

Annie: I will always be here for you. Whether it'shacking your account that you gave me the password for or a shoulder to cry on. I know that everyone reading this will say the same.

Penny: You're the best Annie.

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