Chapter 8: If I could go Back

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Penny: So Annie. Do you think that we should write a chapter or talk about the new book about just us!

Annie: Penny! We are here to write a story for our followers who are expecting a new chapter. I can't edit something that isn't there!

Penny: Yeah I get it! I've been gone for a while. I'm back though! Enjoy the next chapter that was suggested by Annie. It's lame when it's my idea or Annie's idea. Give me something to work with: adding a character, killing off a character, or even a crossover! I don't care! We are running out of ideas.

Dick P.O.V.

The man taking me away was violent. He shoved me into my room. "The little demon picked a good one. Why are you even with him?" The assassin asked. He sounded familiar.

"Because he isn't cruel. He treats me like a person, not some prize to be won. When some of your disrespectful friends would try to touch me Damien would kill them." I spat back not knowing who I was talking to.

"Wow, Dickie. You really don't want to come home. I'm offended." The man said taking off his mask. 

"Jason! You can't be here. I don't want to leave! Damien is different! You said to find someone that treats me with respect, I did!"

"Damien treats you like a toy! He's worse than Wally!"

"Wally tried to kill me! Wally is insane! He's not okay! Wally needs mental help!" I yelled crying. "Guards! Escort this imposter out of my room!" I yelled to the people outside. They grabbed Jason who looked betrayed. Another guard moved into my room. Damien was behind him.

"Beloved. There have been undercover agents here." Damien pulled the mask off of the man who kneeled in front of me. The mask was pulled off and who I saw was the last person I would expect.

Wally P.O.V.

I grabbed the fallen soldier's clothing and put it on. Dick was here. I would find him. I know he hates me but I have to redeem myself. I started walking through the halls. A boy who looked my age was shouting orders. "They will not get near him! You will fire on sight! Destroy all of them. My beloved will not be taken!" The boy was honestly terrifying. I can't believe Ra's put him in charge of the army. The army of men said something that shocked me the most.

"Yes, Damien Al Ghul. We are at your service." This was the boy who stole Dick from me. I wasn't myself that night it felt like someone was forcing me to push him. Bruce said that Ra's can get in your head. Maybe he made me push Dick the question is why. 

Jason P.O.V.

Everything I knew about my brother and his morals was thrown out the window when I saw him kissing the son of the devil. I approached him and warned him of the attack that was nearing. He gave me Dick and told me to keep him safe or he will extend my already brutal training. I feel bad for the people here. Little did I know my brother would betray me and Damien would find one of our teammates and take off his mask.

Penny: This was so delayed! I'm sorry. There is a really nasty bug going around school. Anyways I'm better now so I'll keep writing. The chapters are open for suggestions. I'm thinking around five to seven more chapters. Ideas, please!

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