Chapter 21: I Heard You Were Talking Sh*t About Me

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Penny: I'm trying to see if the ending I want is perfect so let's countdown to the final chapter. One more after this one! Maybe another story like it after? Anyway, let's get to the story.

Damien P.O.V.

I was so close to getting him back but, he was so close to killing me. It wouldn't have mattered anyway. I will forever be engraved in his brain. You see there was something that even I didn't know about the so-called BOY Wonder. There was something I could do to make him feel more vulnerable. I could make him a girl. I watched as mother put the ingredients into the pot and put the mixture into a syringe.

I had John Constantine sneak into his room and make him a girl. 

"He didn't feel a thing sir." John said before mother cut him open from behind.

"Good." Mother growled taking her sword out of the body. "Take her as your own."

Dick P.O.V.

I screamed as loud as I could from my bed in Jason's house. Yes, he had a house now.

"Friend Dick what is wrong? Oh, friend Jason could you come here for a minute?" Kori yelled down the hallway. There was an absence of something in-between my legs, my hair was long, and my curves were more defined.

"What the fuck!" Jason yelled looking at me. "Why are you a chick? Should we call you vagina or something now?" Jason said feeling my body.

"Help me! Kori something weird is going on. My stomach feels like it is going to explode." I said holding my stomach while sitting back on my bed.

"This must be the time of her period."

"WHAT!" I yelled. 

"Relax friend, we will have to come up with a new name for you. Perhaps Ricky?" She asked rubbing my back. "Watch your sister for a moment." She ran to go get God knows what. 

"Damien probably found a way to do this. That bastard." Jason growled under his breath. Roy came into the room and fell on his face when he saw me.

"Wh... wh... aaa... t?" Roy asked kind of. "How?" Roy asked looking at Jason.

"I think it was demon boy." I'll kill him if it's the last thing I do. 

"We will have to go shopping later but, this will not be so bad," Kori said shrugging her shoulders.

"I'll call Bruce. How am I going to tell him his golden child turned into a chick?" Jason asked Kori.

"Tell him the truth," Kori said folding her arms. "You an I are going to the mall." She said dragging me out of the house and flying me to get clothes. 

When we got back I was in a different outfit and Wally was in the living room. This is going to be a long talk.

(462 words)

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