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Penny: So as many of you may know, I was in the hospital for a long while dealing with some serious life or death shit. This story is not going to have a sequel but there are many books with a similar plot on my account. I even have a new book coming out soon which will be like this one in every way you want. Betrayal, birdflash, jealousy, and some bat family. You guys are going to have to read to find out but I do have a little sneak peek of the first chapter for you. Hope you enjoy.

I Guess They Were Right About You Two

I Guess They Were Right About You Two

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Dick P.O.V.

We walked out of the room leaving out adoptive parents behind us. Roy and I had left Wally and Kladur behind. Bruce had told me about the whole Watchtowerthing after I confronted him about it, Oliver had just told Roy about it with no prompting. It was hard to see their relationship doing so well while mine was so poor. When you're only human you have to work harder to match up to superpowers around you. Roy and I found a place to stay and meet up after we gathered stuff from our respective houses. It was going to be hard but since when was being a hero ever easy?

I hope that you guys enjoyed that little excerpt from the story which will be coming out soon. Just look for the red cover.

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