Moving Away/Need Advice

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Penny: So, my family is moving to North Dakota in July and I really don't want to go. 

Annie: We could tell from the fact that you cried for two hours last night.

E: Everything will be okay. Annie and I will be at college so it will just be you, mom, dad, Emma, Lexie, and Anglo. (Lexie and Emma are our dogs and Anglo is Penny's bird)

Penny: That is only half of it. I need to pick my solo song for dance and I want to either do I Want to Break Free by Queen or Turn Back Time by Cher. These are my two options and anyone who has read Life Story knows why we have to move away. My P.T.S.D. from elementary school is getting worse. We need to move out of the state to get away from the cause. If you guys could tell me which song to do for dance that would be super helpful.

E: We will still be posting when we move.

Annie: Nothing could stop us from writing. We still have eight months anyway.

Penny: the two songs are below

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