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-Y/N's POV-

"Promise me that you'll never die on me."

Huh? What do you mean?

"I-I can't exactly control when I die Sero," I said softly. He stiffened. 

"P-please... I can't bear to lose another person..." He sobbed. This time I stiffened. I held him closer to me, calming him down. 

"I don't know who or what you lost, but I'll try to keep your promise. I'll just try not to do anything dumb, alright?"

He nodded. Then he broke down into tears. He was crying over my shoulder for about ten minutes before he calmed down. Man, something bad must have happened before he met Fumi. I wonder what happened in his past, but right now is not the time. He calmed down, and I laid in his arms for about thirty minutes, absorbing all of his warmth. 

Soon, the doorbell rang. Sero grunted when I got up, and I giggled. He held a soft pouty smile. I got the food, and we ate. We binged watched all of the Attack on Giant, which I thought was pretty bloody. Soon, it was time for bed.

I yawned pretty loudly, by mistake. Sero took notice of it. "Ya tired?" he asked.

I nodded. "Yeah... It's about midnight anyways..."

He turned off the T.V. I yawned again, but softly this time. Then, I felt a pair of arms picking me up bridal style. I blushed as Sero carried me to his room. 

"S-Sero! What are you doing?" I asked as I play punched him. He laughed.

"I'm carrying you bridal style, duh!" He responded. I laughed.

"Put me down! I can walk by myself!" I pouted. He laughed even more, which made me frustrated and giggly.

"Seriously, put me down!" I said again. He laughed, and then threw me onto the bed. I landed with a small  "oof" escaping my mouth. 

"I said put me down, now throw me!" I said laughing. He smiled and walked closer to me. I stopped laughing because Sero had a weird expression on his face. 

"H-huh? Sero? What are yo-" I was cut off my a pair of soft lips touching mine. Sero was climbing on top me, and I didn't know what to do except go with it. Soon, we were making out like crazy. 

Out lips parted for air. Sero had a weird look in his eyes. I panicked a bit.

"H-hey, are you not feeling well? I mean, I can help take care of you!" I managed to say. He smirked. I hate it when he smirks like that. It made me blush like crazy. 

Sero leaned in, kissing my red cheek. Soon, he made his way down to my neck.

Now I know what was going on. I didn't know how react. Sero won't hurt me, so maybe it's okay...

He kissed different parts of my neck, which tickled a bit. Soon, he reached a spot that really made me surprised. An unexpected moan escaped my mouth.  He took notice of it, and kept kissing it. I just melted at his touch. When he was done, he left a mark on my neck. It kinda throbbed, which was weird. I was blushing so hard, I could feel the heat radiating from my face. 

He pulled me closer, and soon he was between my legs. We were making out again, and my eyes were spiraling like those weird animes we watched. He parted our lips, waiting for a response from me. All he got was a surprised and worried look. He smiled softly and ruffled my hair.

"If you don't want to do it, then just say so. I'm not really leaning towards it today, anyways," He said softly I nodded. He smiled and then gave me a kiss on the head. He got off the bed, and walked towards the door. I was still blushing at what just happened. 

Mission: Cellotape? {Sero x Reader} COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now