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"Wake up! Your heroes are here to pick you up!" The security guard yelled.

"Ugh, it's way too early for this..." I mumbled as I got out of the bunk bed.

We all stumbled inside the room with all the "chosen heroes." Some gave us cold looks, while others gave confusing looks.

"Well, here they are. You guys have ten minutes before you have to leave," one of the policemen said.

I looked at all the heroes. I knew almost all of them. They were lined up, like they were rehearsing this moment. From left to right, I could name Red Riot, Tsukuyomi, Creati, Shoto, and a person that I didn't recognize. Maybe that was Cellotape?

Cellotape looked pretty tall, with longish black hair and a... roll of tape in his elbows? What??

"Hello! I am Creati, but you can call me Momo!" Momo beamed.

"I'm Tsukuyomi. Just call me Tokoyami," said the bird looking dude.

"Shoto Todoroki," Shoto said coldly.

"I'm Red Riot, and you look like the person that chose me!" Red Riot yelled as he pointed at Flare.

"Hell yeah I'm the one who chose you! You're badass!" Flare replied boldly.

"Awww yeah! I'm Kirishima by the way. Just call me that!" Kirishima said as he beamed.

"All right!" Flare agreed.

Then we all looked at Cellotape.

"U-Uh, I'm Cellotape, but I guess you can just call me Sero," Sero said awkwardly.

"Awww, are you shy? Don't worry, they won't be a big problem!" Kirishima said.

"Wow thanks. Anyways I'm Lucky." Lucky said loudly.

"I'm Flare, and this is my twin sister Glacier." Flare introduced.

"Wait, if she's your twin, how come your a boy?" Kirishima asked.

Glacier facepalmed. I sighed.

"I'm Shadow," Shadow said quietly.

"And I'm Crystal. If it's too complicated, just call me Crys." I said finally.

There was an awkward silence before Kirishima broke it.

"What are your real names? Because those sound like code names," Kirishima asked again.

"That's none of his damn business." Shadow said angrily. In english, of course.

"It really isn't, what should we say?" Glacier questioned.

"What are you guys saying?" Sero asked.

"Nothing. But to answer Kirishima's question, we all agreed to say that it's none of your business," Flare replied.

All the heroes, including Shoto, shot a look at Flare. Flare started staring into space.

"Sorry about that. We just don't feel like giving out our names just yet," Glacier said apologetically. 

I nodded my head.

That's when I spoke up. "Hey, the ten minutes is almost up, so we should go now. I chose Sero, so I guess I'm going with him to his agency." All the Class 1-A graduates had an agency, whether it was small or big.

"I chose Kirishima, so I'm going with him."

"I chose Creati."


"Shoto cause why not lol" Lucky said with a smile. Shoto continued to stare at us.

Sero held out his hand. "Well, I'm Sero. Nice to meet you!" He said with a grin. I looked at him and shook his hand.


Mission: Cellotape? {Sero x Reader} COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now