Broken Promises {Finale- part 3}

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I had a really hard time writing this chapter, so much fEeLS!

(Don't worry, this isn't the last chapter!)

-Y/N's POV-

I knew exactly what to do next. 

I stumbled over to Sero, and he caught me as I tripped over to him. His worried face made me sad, but there was one last thing I needed to do. 

"S-Sero, close your eyes..." I mumbled. Sero hesitated, and nodded. 

He slowly closed his eyes, and the moment he did, my hand glowed. 

"T-transport... quirk, 'Extra *cough* L-Life'..."

Sero's eyes shot open, his eyes glowing for a moment. Then, it eased. Sero was extremely confused.

"W-what did you do?" He asked. I smiled weakly. 

"I gave you a second chance in living," I responded. His eyes shot down towards me.

"W-what? No! You can't break that promise!" He said, grabbing me. "You have to give take it back!"

I shook my head. "Some promises are impossible to keep, Sero..."

I took out my tranq secretly, and swiftly aimed it at his body. He wasn't quick enough to react, so I managed to tranq him. 

"W-why..." he said, blacking out. A few tears flew down my cheek. 

"I'm sorry."

I heard an evil chuckle. "How sad," All for One said. I wiped off the tears, and told them to take Sero away from here. 

I held onto my necklace. My most precious thing to me besides Sero. 

"I think it's time to end this, All for One," I said, summoning my phoenix wings again. 

I flew up towards him. 

I just need one touch. 

On hand on his body, and I can end this forever. 

I attacked, trying to even graze him. 

I tried using my crystals, my speed, everything. Even my wings couldn't even touch him for a split second. 

That's when the others started helping me. 

Todoroki and Glacier were trying their best to keep him in place as I got closer, but it didn't work as effectively as it did thirty minutes ago. 

Kirishima and a few others were still fending off little villains trying to interject, which I appreciated. 

Flare and Bakugo were trying their best to slow All for One down, but still it wasn't efficient.

Goddamnit, it's only one touch!



Then, Midoriya jumped from nowhere. 

It seemed as if he was fending off the other villains but now decided to help. 

Midoriya was so fast that All for One couldn't retaliate. 

All for One was punched towards me. 

Then, everything went in slow motion. 

I looked around me. 

Sero with Lucky and Mina, recovering. Bakugo, Flare, Glacier and Todoroki screaming at me to get away, yet trying to help me out. Kaminari and Jiro trying their best to evacuate the area, while the rest are fighting off the small villains in the back. 

Mission: Cellotape? {Sero x Reader} COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now