39: Walk

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"Hey babe? I have an idea." Will started. Nico raised an eyebrow.

"That's slightly concerning. What would it be?" Nico questioned.

"Now, this may seem stupid.... But do you think the sun could give me energy? Like, help with my powers? I mean, I'm from the sun, so..." Will wondered. Nico chuckled.

"Possibly. We can go out and test that, take a walk around the edge of camp." Nico suggested. Will grinned.

"Sounds great! I'm off my shift in... Now. Walking date." Will added.

"Everything's a date to you. It's adorable." Nico noticed, and Will shrugged.

"I just like dates. Let's go! To test the sun!" Will put whatever he was holding down and traded it for Nico's hand with a smile. They headed out, starting to walk along the border of camp.

"You're so cute, you know that?" Will mentioned. Nico blushed.

"You've told me so, a few times. I don't know why you think that, but you seem to."

"I gave you a list of reasons why I think you're adorable, babe, don't make me recite them all. Because I will. Because you're adorable." Will warned.

"No, no, don't do that. That's unnecessary." Nico told him.

"Okay, but if it is, I will. Because I love you." Will leaned against Nico, trying to be as close to him as possible. Or fuse with him, which is what it seemed like.

"I'm going back to my cabin to grab my sword, just for extra protection. I'll be right back." Nico shadow-traveled off before Will could stop him. Near the forest now, Will looked around quickly. Nico being gone gave someone a great opportunity to pop up.

"Oh Will~" Natalie drawled, seeming to appear randomly from behind a tree.

"Fuck off." Will told her instantly. She got closer.

"I don't know why you believe you deserve him. You don't deserve anything." Natalie told him casually. Will sighed, taking a step away.

"I don't deserve him. But I have him, and I'm keeping him. He loves me, and he's a far better boyfriend, and human being, than you could hope to be."

"I never claimed to be better than him, buddy. I just know that I'm all you deserve. Me, and nothing more." Natalie taunted, getting as close to Will as possible as Will backed up. They went farther back into the forest, slowly.

"Fuck off already." Will spat.

A/n SOMEONE wanted more so here you go, you get a bit of a cliffhanger. : )

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