40: Due

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"Stupid sword..." Nico muttered as he searched for the weapon.

"Nico, where'd Will head? I thought he'd be in here." Kayla peeked in the doorway of the cabin curiously.

"Near camp's border, forest area. We were on a walk, im just here to grab my sword for protection. Why?"

"Mainly just curious, he disappeared. Along with Natalie, she got up and left." Kayla explained. Nico sighed.

"He can hold his own if she's chasing after him, it's fine. What was actually wrong with her?"

"Small wound, looked like she gave it to herself with an arrow. The only reason we had to get her under control is because the wound was open and could've gotten infected."

"Of course. See you later." Nico finally grabbed onto his sword and shadow-traveled back to where he and Will just were.

He didn't find Will instantly. He had to wander for a moment-not too long, but a moment.

When he did, he found Will almost completely against a tree, Natalie in front of him. Nico was quiet as he walked up, not only for stealth, but wanting to hear what she was saying.

"You don't deserve anything, Will. Nothing. You're weak, nothing but a weak fucking victim, a-" And then Natalie was against the tree, the trunk large enough for her to be properly pinned there by Will. Nico was going to intervene, but Will seemed to have it himself.

With one arm pressed across her stomach to keep her there, Will's other hand was a bit more concerning.

In Will's other hand was a dagger-golden, made of light, and against her throat.

"You won't." Natalie stated confidently. Will didn't seem all too confident in that statement. And Nico knew it wasn't true.

"Oh really? Because I'm a doctor, I know exactly... Where to... Slice." Will drew the sentence out, clearly trying to savor the position he was in.

"W-wait, no, I'm sorry, I'll never bother you again, I swear, I'm sorry-" Natalie, intelligently, started begging.

And Nico was about to stop Will, because he thought that was all they needed. An apology, a swear that she'd leave them alone.   

Nico didn't have time. Within a moment, Will's dagger was into her throat, and then the dagger was gone, and she was on the ground.

Will took a step back, looked at what he'd just done.

And then his eyes rolled back into his head, and Will collapsed.

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