The Story of Three

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<3rd POV>
"Lucy, come on. You can get better." Natsu held her hands tightly as she laid in the hospital bed. The white sheets and room, mirroring the clouds in the sky when they went on miraculous adventures.

"Don't worry, I will." She smiled with assurance.

"When you get out, we can all go on more adventures with everyone else." Natsu sobbed. "Anywhere you want."

"Alright." She replied, brushing her hand on his cheek.

"Promise?" Natsu reconfirmed, losing faith each word at a time, "100%?"

He caressed the hair away from her face and to the side. Natsu gazed upon the beauty he fell in love with. It never ended, but illuminates like a sunflower blooming all the time. Something that never dies and always shines.

"Of course I promise." Lucy nodded her head slightly. "I want to be able to raise my daughter, watch her grow up too. I'm not going anywhere." She held his hand.

"Yah." Natsu agreed. "Well watch her grow up together."

On both their hands, rings were worn on the left hand. It had only been 2 years since they got married. Since then, a child was brought into their world, their life. However, Lucy was diagnosed with an unknown disease a couple of months later and has been hospitalized since.
Before hand, Natsu recommend that he let the hospital take care of the child for the time being. He himself didn't have the capabilities of taking care of the child with stress hammering down. Plus, he and Lucy didn't have family that would take care of the child.
He felt awful that he couldn't take care of it, but worried that his stress would end up neglecting the child.

"Natsu." Lucy called for his name.

"What is it?" He leaned forward. tightening his grip around her delicate hands.

"My keys. I want to give them to her." She spoke.

Like simple parting gifts that Natsu feared to hear.

"Your keys?" He asked becoming unstable.

"Before I go, I want to release my contracts with them. Then form new ones one for her. They'll understand right?" She broke my gleamed.

Right off the bat, Natsu was irritated by her words and flicked her forehead.

"Ouch." She reacted with shock.

"Are you saying that because you know that your going to leave?" He smirked, "You're not going anywhere, I won't let you. Your home is here and you're not going anywhere, you got that?"

"You're so stubborn. Nastu, there's nothing else. You know that I can't get cured! So why are we still pretending?!" Tears streamed down her cheeks, the lifeless gaze in her eyes.

Natsu bit his bottom lip and kissed her hand,
"Lucy. You can't just give up."

Lucy didn't feel insulted, but she giggled slightly and sighed. Almost as if she took it in as the truth, she knew what she was saying.

"I've lived smiled and laughed, loved, lived. I've lived a life that I don't regret. It's all thanks to you, you've taught me how to live." Lucy cupped her hand on Natsu's cheek. "And our daughter is proof that we didn't give up."

"Well, you need to stick around longer, stay here and live!" Natsu exclaimed, "she needs a mom too!"

"I want to live, but how?" Her voice cracked. "I'm scared what life I'll live without you-." Lucy broke her words, "don't make this any harder. It's difficult enough just to say goodbye."

"Don't say things like that. Lucy, what will I do without you? What about us? Our child?"

"You gave me the best memories to take with me. The day I met you, up to the day you proposed and the day I gave birth.. I'm happy." Lucy started to cry, the tears trickling down her cheeks. "About us? And her? You just have to know that I can't always be around."

"L-Lucy." Natsu tried to hold in his tears but cried in her arms and didn't let go. "Don't l-leave me."

"Don't cry. Don't cry." Lucy caressed his hair as he sobbed.

"I know that she'll have pink hair like yours. A spontaneous attitude like yours and confidence that wins over anything, just like you." She started changing the subject.

"But she'll have a warm heart like yours." Natsu added, "become an anchor for her friends, a refuge, just like you." Natsu followed along.

Lucy nodded her head.

"Please take care of her? Alright? Don't do anything stupid." Lucy ordered playfully. "You don't have to tell her about me, at least just until she is able to understand. Please- just..j-just take really good care of h-her."

Lucy couldn't bare the feeling of saying those words that it shattered her heart and felt like someone was tearing at it slowly and violently.

"I'll take good care of her. She's going to be the cutest girl, the rebellious teen we were, a wonderful and strong woman like yourself. I'll raise her, so that you can be proud of her. She's going to be loud and antsy just like you." He tried to laugh it off.

"Don't tease her too much." Lucy joked. "She'll be annoyed. Don't be such a pest either, she won't like being doted on." Lucy instructed. "When it comes to boys, give her leniency. If the boy is right for her, don't be too hard on him."

"Hahha, you're talking about me." Natsu laughed.

"That I can't promise you." He kissed Lucy on the lips and sat their with her.

The room was filled with mollified laughter and then it grew silent. Lucy reached for Natsu's hand but couldn't move it as it had already became numb. Instead of struggling to hold his hand, she laid it on the bed so that he wouldn't notice it.
But love isn't that simple.

Natsu knew and held on her her hands, the hands that he took to bring Lucy to the Fairy Tail guild when he was 16 years old. The same hands that help escape the Fiore knights when he wanted to find the members of Fairy Tail and rebuild the that had family broken up and went separate ways.

The same hands that Natsu and Lucy intertwined upon their wedding vows...and when she gave birth.

"Hey Natsu? I love you." Lucy gleamed a smile and hid the fact that her body wouldn't move to her commands anymore.

"Yeah, I love you too." He quivered while he spoke.

Lucy's eyed began to slowly close and she smiled and sighed, "It's more fun. When were together."

Natsu flinched from that comment and focused heavily on Lucy. The reality that slipped before his eyes.

"Thank you..." Her voice trailed off.

"Hey, stay with me." Natsu leaned in for a kiss and brushed back her golden locks. "Lucy! Hey! Wake up!"

With a panicking heart, the Angel of Death had paid its presence, knowing that the soul was taken...far and far from this place. Farther and farther from this world. Farther away from him.


The day of her funeral was a quiet and sorrowful one. The spirits from the celestial world must of been crying as well because, it poured drastically. Guild members mourned the death of a dear friend and family member. Everyone who console Natsu, consoled each other for such a tragic lost.
The rain just kept showering over us as if the sky was crying to cleanse them of someone that was no longer with them.

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