chapter 1

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Four years earlier.

Vinice's POV

I know it sounds strange. A human, adopted into a werewolf family. But once people know the reason, they tend to not question further.

A year before I was adopted, and five years after my mother gave birth to my sister Callie, my mother was captured by rouges. They beat her so badly that it took her months to heal, even with her werewolf ability. The doctors told her she would never have children again...

Of course her and my father were heart broken. She cried for months on end. As werewolves, they tended to want large familys. That's were I came in.

My mother and father had finally accepted the fact that they couldn't birth anymore children, but they could adopt.

I was abandoned right after I was born. I was left on the door step of a human orphanage.

They had many werewolf orphanages, but my mother didn't want that. She wanted a baby that was different. She wanted a human child. Everyone thought it was weird and hated the idea, but my parents didn't listen to them.

They went to the orphanage that held non other than yours truly.

My mother noticed my dark brown hair and my dazzling blue eyes. Instantly she fell in love with me. My father was the same. Even Callie smiled excitedly at me, or so I'm told.

A couple months later, they brought me home. They lived in the pack house, so I grew up there. We could have moved to one of the houses around the pack house, but my parents grew up in the pack house and that's where they wanted to raise us.

For months, people dodged my mother when she would walk down the halls with me or feed me or really do anything with me. She never really thought anything of it.

Years passed that way. My only friend being Callie. The best big sister anyone could ever ask for. We would always race down the halls, she would slow down purposely to make it seem like I would win.

"Getting faster, Vinny." She would fakely huff and puff as we came to a stop at our finish line. I would smile and do a victory dance. She would join in as soon as she 'caught her breath'.

Even then, people tried to keep their kids away from me. Everyone ignored me, but I never really noticed, until first grade.

That's when the name calling started. I would run home crying. I wouldn't go to my parents, but I would go to Callie. She would take me into her room and hold me as I told her the names I had been called.

I was over weight and I wore glasses, so fatty and four eyes were big favorites among the kids. I came to hate school, even though I loved to learn.

I would put my head in Callie's blonde hair as she held me and I would cry. The pain would leave as she would tell me everything would be okay.

But little did I know it was just going to show back up the next day.

As the years went by, I began to get uncomfortable with who I was. I only gained weight and stayed my short height. All the other kids got skinny and tall. They played sports, while I read. They got boyfriends, while I got beat up for being a 'nerd' or for being 'too fat'.

The beatings started in sixth grade. Almost everyday after school. I would get cornered by Tiffany and her band of sidekicks. They would catch me while I was walking home from school.

"Hey, Vinice!" I heard a shrill, preppy voice call from behind me. Just ignore them.

"It's getting pretty cold out here." One of her minions sang sickly to me. I didn't loom behind me. I just kept walking on the side walk. Just get home in one piece.

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