chapter 15

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Venice's POV

I had to leave tomorrow. I'm so screwed. What am I going to do? If I'm not back by tomorrow afternoon, Kate and the other hunters will come looking for me. I tried to reason with Xavier about it, but his head is stuck in the clouds somewhere!

"You know I have to leave." I pleaded with Xavier. We were in his office. I was laying on the floor while he did paper work.

"I'm not letting you go anymore, Venice. Just call and tell them you quit. They will understand." Xavier suggested. I sat up.

"I can't." I said as a vital piece of information hit me like a ton of bricks.

"What do you mean you can't?" Xavier asked, exasperated. I sighed as the weight on my chest became heavier.

"I can't because the tattoo that I have on my wrist is what is keeping me immortal." I said. I heard Xavier's hands stop as the room went quiet.

"What?" Xavier asked after a while. I stood up and rolled my sleeve to show the two Bs on my wrist.

"This is what is keeping me immortal. I get out of the hunters, and I age just like any other human." I said.

"How do you get the power of immortality from a tattoo?" Xavier asked, amused. I rolled my eyes.

"It's apart of the ritual we do when we first accept a hunter. A witch will do some spell or something that will give us this mark. This mark is what holds our immortality." I finished as I stared at the mark. Xavier nodded.

"Then let the hunters come to us. We can explain everything." He suggested. I began to shake my head.

"That will not be a good idea, at all!" I said. "They will kill everyone in this pack on sight, Xavier!" I explained. He put his large hand in my smaller one, intertwining our fingers.

"I will have warriors put all around. They may not be much, but they can hold off for a while. Just long enough for us to try to get our point through." He persisted.

I looked at the ground as I began to think. What if they can't hold Kate and them back? Then what will we do? I can't just let everyone get themselves killed because of me! Sure, I may not be very fond of the rest of the pack, but they don't deserve to die because of me.

I can't leave my family or Xavier...

I knew this would happen if i came back here! I just wouldn't listen. I thought I was strong enough to keep myself in check, but... Maybe fate does have something planned...

I've just grown so close to Xavier. After we finally admitted our feelings, everything has been so carefree... and I like that.

"Okay. We can try. But we need a lot of warriors." I said. Xavier smiled as he walked around his desk to me. He embraced me and I held onto him as I let his smell surround me. How can I leave this?

"Thank you, baby. I promise, I'm going to do anything I can to make up for lost time between us." He said lovingly as his hand cupped my cheek.

"You better." I smiled as I pulled him into a heated kiss. Things got out of hand fast and we moved our make out session to the bedroom. I was soon sore and sweaty.

"My god. It's already 10." I panted as I looked at the clock on the night stand. We started at around 4:50. We went almost five hours!

"What can I say? I will never get enough of you." Xavier whispered in my ear as he held me against his chest.

"Me either. Do you think they will let me keep my tattoo?" I asked. The question had bothered me all day.

"I really hope they will. I need you here with me." Xavier said as he buried his face deeper into my neck. I shivered as I felt his hot minty breath on my bare skin.

"Me to."

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