chapter 21

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Venice's POV

Today was probably the most dramatic day I have ever had. Yesterday I had found out Kate was my mother and now we were getting word that the hunters board had decided to move our meeting up.

The pack was practically in panic. The hunters were cool and calm while the wolves did their best to hide their children and prepare themselves.

"Everything will be fine!" I called out to everyone. Frantic voices sounded from all directions as me and Xavier stood around trying to calm everyone down.

"SILENCE!" Xavier yelled in authority. Everyone stopped and waited for him to speak.

"We need to be as calm as possible. They aren't coming to harm us."

"Are you sure about that?" We all turned to see all six of the head hunters board standing around the perimeter of the Woods. They wore regular clothes. They were all up in age with their soft wrinkly skin. Their eyes held unspoken fire that no one could place.

"Oh, don't listen to him!" One of the older women said. Every hunter knew exactly who she was. She was practically the voice of the reason amongst the board. Tina. She rarely spoke and was quiet and polite.

The man in the middle scrunched up his nose. "Tina, dear. Leave this to me please." Joshua said. He was the most feared one out of the board.

"You get all of the fun, Joshua!" Tina said as she smiled at us.

"Can we just get this over with?" I asked. Tina shook her head while Joshua grunted.

"So disrespectful!" Joshua said. "You know the rules. You aren't allowed to friend these things and keep your immortality."

"But! We may be able to over look it." Tina said. Joshua gave her a pointed look.

"We already discussed this, love." Joshua argued. I looked back at the hunters and we all shared confused looks. They were never like this. Tina rarely ever showed up to one of these. Xavier pulled me close to him and I got a nice long smell of him. It sent some comfort into me as he held me close.

"Well! She bares the wolf's child! We can't take her immortality!" We all turned. Everyone's attention was now on the two hunter couple that was in the middle of a heated argument.

"What?" Xavier intervened. I felt like my head was beginning to get so clogged from all of the suprises.

"I'm not pregnant." I said as I stared at the two hunters in front of me. Tina's eyes widened and Joshua began to shake his head.

"I've ruined the suprise!" Tina cried as she rushed over to me and threw her arms around me. I sat stunned as I stared blankly at Xavier. His face was contorted into shock. Soon he regained his composure and smiled brightly.

"I was supposed to surprise you! We synced that a member of the black bloods had been impregnated and since your true place is here, I convinced Joshua to let you keep your immortality." Tina smiled at me. My shock slowly began to wear off as I looked over at Xavier who pulled me into him embrace.

"Oh my god." I finally managed. "This is amazing!" I said as I threw my arms around Xavier he laughed and lightly kissed my lips.

"What a beautiful happy ending. I hope to see you sometime soon, Venice. Preferably at a baby shower." Tina winked at me. I smiled back and nodded as her and the board made their way back home.

"That was better than I expected." I said. Xavier nodded as he slug his arm around my shoulder.

"Yup. Now we just have to worry the little one." He said as he set a hand on my stomach. I smiled and in that moment, I was glad I came back home.

For good.

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